Death of the Honorable, Trustworthy & Courtious Scout
Met with the people from Unisource today to discuss the terms and conditions of thier Paper Fashion Show. This show will be the first in Atlanta, but it has been done the past 4 years in Miami. They brought some samples from past shows for me to see and I was just simply blown away. You have no idea how amazing and complex some of these past dresses are... truely beautiful pieces. Everything that goes on the model must be made of paper - dress & accesories.
I must admit I am a little concerned with deveopling something spectactular for this show, but as it stands now I know I'll pull it off because of the people I'll be working with. As I've stated in a previous post, each designer is paired with a paper mill. I'm very pleased to say I was able to choose the mill I will use (drumroll please)... I've choosen a paper I've used several times and a mill I've visited — Monadnock, you are the one. I have so much respect for this companies history and environmental standards, not to mention the product they produce... it's just the best paper. I'll be using Astrolite Silk for the entire project... this is a paper I've used and trust. It is the smoothest and most highly-refined paper on the market, it's just wonderful. I'm very happy to have gotten Monadnock because the original plan in my mind for this dress was exclusivly based on white. No color.. none. I want to find a way to let the cut and patterning of the paper add dimension to the dress, instead of having to rely on color to create a forced design.
Now the interesting point to this show is that I have to find my own model. I'm gonna have to think really long and hard about this one. As most of you know, I like to give a good show, so I can't use someone with zero presence when they are in front of a croud. I'm sure I'll figure something out before then end of the week. Also I need to find a hair stylist and a make-up artist. If any of my readers out there think they fit this bill let me know... I'll only be able to pull this off and create the best looking piece at the show with a good support team.
Back to the details of the show — I'll let you read a bit of the letter I got and then I'll give you some details for the show.
Dear Tom,
First let me take this opportunity to thank you for your support of Unisource! Your specifications make it possible to reach out to the design community in so many ways. This fall, we hope to showcase Unisource to creatives in a truely unique way! The specification team are planning a paper fashion show. The date is set for October 27, 2005 from 5pm - 9pm. The theme for this event will be 'Fashion Around the World'.
The concept of this paper fashion show is simply creating clothing fashions made from paper! Twelve of Atlanta's top designers are being asked to design and produce wearable art. The culmination of the designs will be displayed by models strutting down a custom built catwalk in the show at our world headquarters.
We repectfully request your participation in this event.
Pretty nice letter I thought... didn't know I was one of Atlantas top designers. Thanks for the props folks. The show itself will be huge... a 30ft elevated catwalk complete with lighting, crouds and paparazzi drapped all along the side. From what they were telling me, the croud will be the best of the best from the ATL arts community, the big to-dos from around town and several news and media outlets. Of course I had to ask what you will all be asking me, so I'll tell you now, yes. Yes they will have all sorts of tastey drinks there — lots of them, the food will be theme based — the countries we artists choose (I'll pick a good one don't worry). So this event will be killer... I need to start pulling together my team and my thoughts. I have a dress and special paper suit for myself to make for this event. I can't walk around with my sexy model letting her have all the fun. Can you say busy bee... yeah thats me. New works for Spin & Gin V as well as some fashion. This is going to be a hell-of-a busy year still... good. Ohh yeah and a new house to boot... damn.
— Schaefer
Had the devilish conviction to go get a tattoo yesterday... then I remembered why I only have one... it costs money... and the one I have, I gave myself at the age of 8. Cruised right by the shop on my way to photograph tombstones — needed marble for a website I'm doing for this law firm. What's funny is that I had my sketchbook on me that has my tattoo designs' in it... so I came really close — but hit the gas petal when I remembered I have a new home to buy things for. I think after the house is built I'll get the one I was thinking about or maybe I'll add another piece of retroconsumerised jewelry that can't be removed ( I presently wear three , all based on provocative life events). Ohh the tat you ask — It's a big black & red tat that goes on my back. It's a medical diagram of a heart I designed with a 77 emblazoned in the center. What does it mean... simple — I was born on Valentines Day in 77' and for the first half of my life I wanted to be a medical illustrator, until I found I had to do 10 years of college to become a doctor to become a painter. Of course now, in my old age (ha), I really want to go back to school — mainly to study medicine, biology, physics and math. Sorry... I'm strange in my old age.
I - want you back - again
I - want your love - again
I know you find it hard - to reason with me
But this time it's different - darling you'll see
You gotta - tell me you're comin' back to me
You gotta - tell me you're comin' back to me
You gotta - tell me you're comin' back to me
You gotta - tell me you're comin' back to me
I love the early Stones'... I do want them back again. Today's Stone's are dead in my mind. However... one of my all time favorite scenes from cinema involves this song — 'Mean Streets', one of my covetousness Top 10 films of all time. I really think this is Scorseses' best. It's one of the first films I owned and aside from Hitchcocks 'Notorious', it is the second most watched film in my house (sorry Harvey... Ingrid has my heart and I long to be as ubiquitous as Cary).
The way sunlight flirts across your skirt
Makes me feel like I'm from another world
To touch your face in the morning light
I hope you're always gonna be around
The times I struggle to understand why
The ancient proverbs like who am I
Why am I here and what have I done
I see the answers - place my trust in you
The Jam, The Jam, The Jam... why is it that no one I know listens to The Jam. What is wrong with this world. If I could find someone who enjoyed The Jam as much as I did I think I'd be set for life. Ohh well... thanks cuz... you always know 'that which is supurb'.
But this is just yesterday.. more from today July 15th, later. (I need to stop writing these at midnight.. what am I gonna say about the new day at this hour — 'Boy I sure hope my bed sheets are cool... I think not.)
STRANGE NEWS — I had 383 unique hits and 1,128 downloads to my blog yesterday... I hope people removed the site from their bookmarks after they listened to the music. That is the biggest day the blog has ever had. Usually we average about 82+ individual viewers a day. I guess they have friends now. Of course come to think of it, I only know of 2 people that read my blog daily... well 3, but critics don't count... and another person who was a bit of a comment junkie earlier this week. So 4... who the hell are the rest of you.

This photo is from the hazy dazy college years. Yep.. the ubiquitous caustic cast of Caca All Around were headed to do a performance for yet another Scott Newman production. Newman snapped this pic of me before we hit the road. Yeah, we were greasy little Italian gangsters... you gatta problem wit dat? The final footage turned out dark and smokey... just as Newman intended. I think this was Kimball's first time as Newmans' cinematographer too — or was it when we shot The Devils Laughter. Ohh well Newman knows.. be on the look out for that 'Caca All Around' double disk DVD he's been talking about. (giggle & snicker)
Degenerate Press gave an interesting viewpoint on 'War of the Worlds' today in his newsletter.
"I've read several reviews of War of the Worlds that say the film equates aliens with terrorists, sort of implying Al Qaeda in the same way W married Saddam to 9/11. Personally, I think the match is about as valid as W’s. Sure, someone asks if the alien attacks are the work of terrorists before they understand what's going on but beyond that the aliens are only a metaphor for terrorists in the way that anything violent and terrifying can be a metaphor for terrorism. Apparently none of these critics have read the original or heard the original radio play or even seen the 1953 version of the film."
It's a damn shame that people aren't in tune with things from the past. I blame MTV, Cheerios, the Owlson Twins, Budwieser, McDonalds, the Superbowl, the World Series, and AMC. Hey AMC — maybe I'd take you seriously as a movie channel if you didn't run 8 commercial breaks through your films. Now on the other hand... the only station I watch on television outside of 'Adult Swim' (ohh you didn't know they are their own thing as far as rating are concerned), is TCM. Ahh TCM I love you.
TCM consistently has the best films from particularly the 40's - 50's as well as (but who cares) classics from the 60's on up. No commercials and actually factual and absorbing hosts. TCM is not TV... it's more like a movie library I don't own yet — and I mean yet.
Anywho — check out Degenerate Press to see what is the haps' of the haps' in the big ATL and subscribe to his newsletter.
And I must say... growing up on 'The Dukes of Hazard' (day-in day-out) the Degenerate Press is spot on with his latest comments.
JULY 15, 2005
BARKER - Pretermited Jughead 12 (postcard)
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