July 25, 2005

On Mondays, Big Collared Shirts Work Best In The Corporate World

Blue Jugheads: The Anti-Situational Comedy and Tragedy

Situations deal with the conditions or positions in which you find yourself. Comedies deal with humorousness incidents or a series of incidents. Tragedies deal with events resulting in great loss and misfortune.

The Blue Jughead series asks the question — What happens when the environment you inhabit is replaced with a plenary void? How does one act and react when totally immersed in an anti-environment? How does the outside viewer interpret our actions and is it fair to add conjecture to situations that contain no evidence as to their true condition or position? Is it the actions of the individual or the conjecture of the viewer that can allow us to view the situation as a comedy or a tragedy? And finally, can we ever truly understand the conditions and positions of the individual or does this lack of environment and the viewers conjecture open this figures reality to it's entire gambit.

"What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning." - Werner Heisenberg

"First they told us the world was flat. Then they told us it was round. Now they are telling us it isn't even there!" - Irving Oyle

"By the act of observation we have selected a 'real' history out of the many realities, and once someone has seen a tree in our world it stays there even when nobody is looking at it." - John Gribbin

There is no logical necessity for believing in one universe any more than there is for believing that Earth is the center of existence. Another interpretation of quantum physics is known as the Many Worlds interpretation. This interpretation preserves Einstein's realism with a vengeance.

Recall the experiment attempting to prove that single particles of light pass through only one channel. The result of detecting only one whole unit of energy at detector A or B was consistent with this interpretation. This interpretation was not, however, consistent with the outcome of the experiment with totally reflecting mirrors replacing detectors A and B. The Schrodinger equation depicts waves of some sort passing through both channels, and the experiment with totally reflecting mirrors demonstrates that light, as a wave that splits into two waves, is in both channels. According to the Many Worlds interpretation, there is a simple, but shocking, explanation for the final result. The Schrodinger equation depicts the radiation in both channels as real; the reason we only observe it at one detector or the other is because when a measurement is made, the world splits into two equally real worlds! When the radiation is detected at A, it has also been detected at B. We do not detect it at B because B is an event taking place in another world.

According to this interpretation, all the possibilities delineated by the Schrodinger equation are real. In making an observation of a particular possibility, we are not collapsing a wave packet or creating a reality from a number of possibilities. Rather, like a road with many forks, we are choosing a world to travel on from many possible worlds. All the alternate worlds are paths in hyperspace; they are equally real, but we are forever cut off from them. In every observation we are choosing a branch of reality. If the Copenhagen interpretation implies that nothing is real independent of observation, then the Many Worlds interpretation implies that everything is real. We do not create a universe with an act of observation; we choose a universe that is already there as a possible path.

So with the fact everything is an observable possibility and that all paths exist, it is only fitting to remove the character from his situations — the act of painting out. Thus, removing the environment allows us to open the composition of the work to the Many Worlds interpretation. The character himself does not necessarily change, he will only appear to change when we add conjecture or observation to what his physical actions seen to relate to in a limitless physical realm. Thus, we create the physical world in our minds, even though the character himself is still within the plenary void of infinite world views. This is the reality we place upon the character and ourselves. This is how the comedy and tragedy of life manifest. This is the foundation of the Blue Jughead. This is the theory behind the Adds series. — Schaefer

REPLY TO [ tyler curtain ]:
Neck situation is exactly as it sounds — A situation that involves the neck... or in this case necks. Hence the title for this blog posting today.


Blue Jugheads: The Anti-Situational Comedy and Tragedy

Jughead: Conjecture and the Christ Figure

Brilliant Blue: Rationalism, Relationships to Reality and the Speed of Light

The Artist: Method, Madness & the Mundane

Conceptualism v. Realism: An Anti-Stuckist Argument

Iggy Pop — FUNTIME

Fun - Hey baby we like your lips
Fun - Hey baby we like your pants
All aboard for funtime
Fun - Hey, I feel lucky tonight
Fun - I'm gonna get stoned and run around
All aboard for a funtime
Fun - Last night I was down in the lab
Fun - Talkin' to Dracula and his crew
All aboard for funtime
Fun - I don't need no heavy trips
Fun - I just do what I want to do
All aboard for funtime
Fun - Baby baby we like your lips
Fun - Baby baby we like your pants
All aboard for funtime
Fun - Everybody we want in
We want some we want some
All aboard for funtime
Fun - Baby baby we like your lips
Fun - Baby baby we like your pants
All aboard for funtime

JULY 25, 2005
BARKER - Pretermited Jughead 19 (postcard)

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