In a wonderful mood tonight. It's late now... began work on an inordinately large triptych this evening. Each panel measures 34" x 40". This makes the entire work 34" x 120" — 10 feet long. The panels are 5" deep. I've decided to do Blue Jugheads. There are approximately 70 Jughead digest pages on each panel — totaling 210 pages in all. These works are part of the Adds series, which began in 1999 with the 'Product Adds'. Adds are based on Michelangelo Buonarrotis' postulations regarding his sculptural works — the marbles. Michelangelo believed that the figures he sculpted were merely trapped in the stone. He artlessly made them free of their stone tomb by chiselling away the supernumerary layer. His most fascinating works are the later, in which, he never fully freed his figures.
The Adds apply Michelangelos' theorem of hidden bodies or hidden allusion, but to everyday mass consumerist printed goods. One must remember that consumerism has been a part of human civilization since man learned the business of trade. All the marble Michelangelo purchased was through a seller / consumer market. By painting out, or 'adding' paint, to mask the unwanted data, I am in a analogous way, chiseling away at mass consumerism with globs of thick opaque paint. Creating as Michealangelo did... what he thought was trapped in the consumer goods.
To date the largest number of Adds I have produced are owned by Barker — a large series of Blue Jughead postcards.
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