July 12, 2005

Lines, Books and Bally-who

Sitting in North Carolina today, waiting on my final press check, then we are flying back home.

Now a word on the Atlanta Airport:
Yesterday I was part of what had to be the longest line for security in Atlanta history. The line was surely 3,500 strong and ran from security check - thru the typical maze roping - thru a hallway - thru the new atrium - thru a back hallway - down the hall backside of baggage claim - winding around all 8 baggage claim carousels - past every check-in counter - and finally out to the front side walk. I had an 8:31am flight. My limo service picked me up at 6:30 and my driver ran about 80mph the entire way. Arrived at the airport a little before 7:00am. I reached the gate B4 at 8:37am and missed my flight along with my other 2 cohorts and 22 other people. Yes, the plane was still sitting outside the gate, but we couldn't board. I estimate that at least 1,000 people missed flights yesterday. How do I know this, well, 90% of the people standing next to me in line had 8:00 flights... none of them made it. We caught a flight 2 hours later. So Atlanta Airport, you suck as usual, but everyone knows this.

Getting back to the real deal, the book is looking great... brilliant blues and spot on registration every time I head back to the presses to do a check. I was a bit unsure how I felt with this book, but after a day of checks yesterday I'm very pleased with my effort finally.

Got back to the hotel late last night, hit the bar and grabbed a beer. Grabbed a most interesting book of their decorative shelving (the books aren't meant to be read, just look pretty.. tut-tut). The book - 'Our Wonderland of Bureaucracy' by James M. Beck, from 1932. The book is a study on the growth of bureaucracy in the federal government and it’s destructive effect upon the constitution. First printing. Yeah, I stole it, this book didn’t deserve to collect dust, it will have a much better home with my other beauties. I stayed up and read around a 130 pages of this book. The first 60 pages compare and contrast the American bureaucratic system, 1800's thru the 1920's, to Lewis Carroll’s world from Alice In Wonderland. The parallels are fascinating and the reading was fast and intriguing. On the plane, I was reading John Gribbin’s ‘In Search of Schrodinger’s Cat – Quantum Physics and Reality’… again (love the book), but today I’ll be able to finish up this new little gem I found.

Got an email from Sheri Bedard Bannister at Spin Creative, Inc. asking if I'd like to donate a painting for their first silent auction at Spin & Gin V. I showed some of my Richie Rich series at Spin & Gin III last year, so this time around I'll have to find something really nice... a real money getter. This time I won't give everyone the performance I gave last year. Singing on stage in Richie Rich garb and then eating blacktop with the side of my face. Martini's are a hell of a drink (especially when they are free). At least when I attend this year there will be no visible scars. The show will be August 12th.. I urge everyone to come out and support Spin's great cause. The event will rock as usual. I'll post more details as I get them.


reply to: lindy_luna
Yeah, I've found I am an easy target when I get a few drinks in me. Glad to hear the show was a smash, even though everyone got smashed. Sorry I missed the finale I'm sure it was truly A Go-Go.

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