Just talked with Barker on the phone briefly... his title edit 'Black Betty' and explaination is forcing me to look at that series of cards in a whole different light.
Just got back to my house and in my mailbox was Barker's edited first draft of our book (his half). I'm anxious to see what kind of edits he has. I began to outline a forward for the book about him a few days ago, he in tern is doing the same for me. It'll be refreshing to see the titles he chose for his works as well as any other comments he has added. I'm sure they will help guide me more in my writing about him. The book itself is still ever growing and will have another 60+ pages being added to it in the next week or so. So I'm gonna sit back with a glass of single-malt and dig in.
Just got off the phone with Unisourse and have made the decision — Japan. I conclude it to be the best option. On a sad note, Unisourse let some people go and one of them was my contact for the show... I'm sure she'll find something really cool to do though. As for the show, I have a new contact and was assured that it was still on, although it might get pushed a week or two back from the original date (more time to design).
Been sittting at the office all day long translating and reformating a project into French and Spanish... what a joy that is. Sat around all day yesterday translating a killer poster I'm doing into French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portugese, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese. Yikes!
Counting the minutes till I can get home... haven't had a drink all week (was on the verge of a cold) so I'll treat myself tonight to something. Have lots of painting to do and everything else that goes with it.
"There is a thin line separating brilliance from madness. One must unceasingly reacquaint themselves with its' terrain" — Schaefer
Well just as I predicted I'm at about the 60%-65% point with the first stage of the Spin & Gin V work. Tonight I should have the entire under-painting complete. The next stage will be the delicate transfer of my Jughead dance illustrations, which after looking at for a few days I'm not too happy with them, so I'm gonna have to rework them some more. I plan to transfer then in the same fashion I did the Richie Rich 'Concomitant Pantomime' work... fortunatly for me the drawing I have to transfer aren't as gigantic as those were. Each of the three dancing Jugheads are about 10" tall, so the transfer work will go fast. I'm going to have to hit Pearl Arts again and grab a few new brushes this afternoon to do the fine line work on each of the figures. The next step will be to add the matte and poly-gloss finishes and then it's on to the lighting. As I was sitting tonight painting, I had 'Blue Velvet' playing in the background and as Ben was doing his rendition of Candy Colored Clown, I had the crazy notion that I should put speakers that pump out music inside of this painting as well — but I'm going to have to think about that one. (What song?).
Headed to sleep in my finally nice 73* aboad... even though abode isn't the right word anymore since I'll be out so so soon. Thank god it's friday already... damn what a week. Fortunatly, for the most part, things have been going my way.
JULY 22, 2005
BARKER - Pretermited Jughead 18 (postcard)
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