Gonna head out of work early today. Nothing going on and everyone is gone at a damn Braves Baseball game. I think I'm gonna head over to Criminal Records and grab a couple magazines and get a beer at the Vortex. Got a lot of painting to do tonight but I kinda want to just hang around the town for a little while before iI go home and put in a late night. Also I want to drive around the 6 Points area a little anyways and see if there is any good grafitti to look at. I'm considering adding some spray painted sections to my 'Dance-Dance-Dance' painting, but I'm not totally sure how or even why. Thats why I want to go to somewhere like the Vortex and do some more sketching out of my ideas before I head home. I always get some pretty good ideas hanging out around that part of town... PLUS I want to wander into the Junkman and see if the have any new cheap plastic shit that I might want to buy. Might have dinner later with Steph if she's not to slammed... will have to see.
Getting back to the painting however, I'm going to begin wiring the work this Sunday. Cost is absolutly a factor. I don't want to spend to much on it especially seeing that I make no money from the work (it's for a good cause though). So far I've only spent $10 on Brilliant blue acrylic paint. I'd like to keep the cost for bulbing & wiring to under $30. We shall see if that is possible. What I really need is 2 types of small christmas like bulbs. There's a store in Atlanta called Atlanta Light Bulbs in Tucker. I'm going to try there first. Here's what I need.

(30 count) — 7-5WC7/RED 130V 7W C7 CERAMIC RED 130V 7C7 CANDELABRA BASE 7214 HALCO C7RED5C

60 total bulbs on the work @ 30¢ each — $18.00 (might even go to 80+ bulbs if I can) The real issue is finding the bulb bases and then wiring it all (but they may have some suggestions at this store). The second challange is building a circuit that makes the bulbs flash on & off in pattern. Linton says he thinks he'll be able to help me wire it all and create the circuit. So we shall see Sunday.
The other interesting component for this work is the musical score that I'm creating for it. I've been composing a few different ideas on paper of the past few days... I'm just working on a techno/dance type groove. It's gonna have a lot of vocal samples in it, a groovy hook and of course a good beat. It's going to be about 3 minutes long. When the work is displayed the music will run off my iPod, but whoever gets the work will get a CD with the music on it and they can then run the attached speaker cord into whatever they want. If I had a lot of money I'd run the music off a iPod Shuffle and leave it in the work, but I'm not spending $100 when I get nothing back. However, I think this will be a great way to do the same type of scenario in some future work. I'm headed out of here.
Confidence is now, extremely high tonight. The paintings proposition is working out as planned, but because of my apprehension with the production of the work earlier tonight, it has, as the usual with my work, evolved and matured during this evenings fabrication process. It is becoming more and more Pop as my disposition with the work matures. I'm absolutly feverish about the rate in which this work is advancing, in both technique and composition. It will truely be something like I've never done before. How thrilling!!!
JULY 28, 2005
BARKER - Pretermited Jughead 22 (postcard)
LUDWIG - Lux Blue (postcard)
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