Kanka said I should post this fact. So here it is.
Tonight I drank:
4 pints of Guinness @ $5.00 each
3 glasses of 18 year old Glenlivet @ $15.00 each
Total cost for Jim $65.00. Thanks Jim — I'll get you back... no worries.
Recieved a most intersting postcard from Barker today. It's unlike anything I've ever recieved from him. Now first off, it's a very important card because according to the written text — "I created this master work of art at about 6am after my bachelor party. Lord was I fucked. - Barker" Now this card is definitly an important artifact that I'll hold high above others... but what makes it even more unique is the following. The card possessed a double postmark: DALLAS, TX AUG 16 — NORTH METRO, GA AUG 19. This double stamping makes absolutly no sense... but it makes the card an amazing artifact to the system that is called the USPS. As usual Barkers brilliance is engrained in the work — under the influence, in retrospect, and in the unknown sytems we embrace. Thanks Bark!
Finally, I have been given confirmation from Unisource to use Korea as my concept country for the Paper Fashion Show. Now the next hurdle is to develop my creative brief for the work as well as the visual concept. Tonight I will begin visual research as well as more indepth research into the two cultures. Even though both regions are part of one country, they both have extremely different ideologies. I'm going to have lunch & drinks with Kanka tomorrow. We'll discuss at length his personal experiences with communism and it's influence on modern societies. I'm really looking forward to the conversation. Kanka is one of the smartest and most well imformed people I know. He has a worldly experience I can never have. He is one of my best friends... I value his opinion in matters such as these above all others.
Since I have little time to write at this moment, I thought I'd post an older photo Kanka took of me. I believe this photo was snapped in 2003. The painting is from 1994 — a terribly old oil painting I did in high school. It is titled 'The Average Bureaucrats Visions Of Jesus Christ'. If I remeber correctly, I won some awards for it back in the day.

photo: KANKA
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