August 08, 2005

They Are Drilling Tiny Holes In My Skull

Blood — Blood — Blood. It just wants to keep flowing.... delicious.

Just shaved all the hair off the back of my thigh and cleaned the wound with alcohol and benzadine. Applied a butterfly sutcher to the huge gap I created. YUMMY!! The bleeding has slown a bit... I probably need stitches, but I'll leave the turnakit on a while longer. My dressing will heal it just as well as stitches tonight. Would rather have the cool scar anyways. A strange feeling, shaving ones thigh... well, at least for a man that has never done such a task before. Poor women... such a horribly lengthy process to please men... I must admit though... there is nothing like a long smooth thigh to run ones hand up.

DAMN & OUCHH... I didn't think I was making any other works of art tonight until I found an X-acto knife lodged into my left thigh with blood squirting out across the room (YES there is blood everywhere in my living room). I'm sitting at that blood stained couch right now wearing a turnakit on my left thigh as I write to you. I know for sure I cut something really really deep and really really bad, but I ain't about to go drive to some emergency room. All hail the Boy Scouts of America!@!!

Before I dressed my leg in a tornakit I followed my typical Retroconsumeristic ideals and created a self-generated chaotic blot drawing — 4 of them.

Fuck... I'm still bleeding really bad (laff).. umm well. Anyways, enjoy the few pics of the fun. I tried a few times, but decided it best to reapply the turnakit to my leg, since I couldn't capture the blood spurts on my cell phone camera emanating from my leg. Enjoy... OUCH!!

Went to the hardware store today and it was a total success. I found the receptacle cap pieces I needed for the lights and well below the price I had limited myself to — 0¢ - 30¢ each. CAMPAK RGD 3/4" - 1/2" Steel Reducing Washers. These are just the most incredible and most practical, as well as classy cap pieces, for only 15¢ each. It's the same cap you would use on a large lighted sign, so I makes the work look even more vintage than it really is. It's so perfect.

Sealed the caps to/over the 1" openings with clear silicone sealant. Had to wait 2 hours for it to set (24 to cure) and I've began to string the final wiring. I was thinking that I might have to use silicone sealant to mount the receptacles into the frame but instead I've decided to use 1/8" fiber insulated staples. I wasn't sure if they would keep the receptacles in place, but once you screw the bulbs in, the tension/width of the bulb to recepticale to washer, forces the lightbulb to remain perfectly aligned.

This piece is going to be so damn good looking. There isn't a single portion of this work that feels out of place or cheap. There just isn't. I would say this work is mechanically the finest piece I've excecuted to date and a definitly pivotal point in my entire body of works electrical maturity.
On a bad note the stupid company I ordered the lights from decided it made more sense to send the Fader Controller I'm waiting for to the billing address v. the shipping address... Hmmmm — They originally shipped everything but the Fader to the shipping address so of course it makes perfect sence to mail the missing part to another place. Now I have to contact 'my' stupid company because they will not leave an overnight package at my door without a signature. GRRRR... this angers me so. I'll jump thru those hoops tomm., but in the meantime not even that can anger me. This work is looking more classical than anything I've ever done.

SATURDAY NIGHT: Attended the strangest of birthday parties. The theme was Surreal Circus. The entire loft was full of huge balloons... I mean it was waist deep and above with large balloons when Steph and I arrived. The entire loft was jam packed simply unreal. Now as for costumes... I didn't bring anything over to Stephs' and she frowned on me. Of course now, Steph the all too clever clothing designer herself, had a large amount of silly things to wear (silly if your a man). I wore (to her fall-on-the-floor-marriage-proposal-laughter) a pair of orange and black striped tights with a blue & gold one piece ensconced in sequins (chest hair in full view). The entire outfit rode my crotch and rode my crotch hard (someone called me Superman later in the evening), but it was so damn funnny looking that I 'had' to wear it out. She topped my costume off with a red bowed black cape and red 'Robin' mask. I looked.... well... 'indescribable'. Steph decided to step into her other persona of Monkey Lulu. Lulu wore a pair of hand made silver hot pants and a Wonder Woman sequined top with matching red calf-high leather boots. Gorgeous little monkey... ohh yeah she had the black lip liner, croaked pony-tails and monkey mask going too. Prettiest symbian I ever dun seen.
We arrived at the location (Mattress Factory Lofts) and couldn't get in right off. I suggested we walk to the other door and there we saw the party thru a window. Monkey Lulu instinctively rushed to an adjacent garden ledge and danced around and thru a fish at the window to get the groups attention. When everyone turned to look Monkey Lulu became scared and jumped straight up into my open arms. That Monkey Lulu is just too cute. The party rocked and there were still too many balloons left behind. What a great night!!


AUGUST 8, 2005
BARKER - Pretermited Jughead 31 (postcard)

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