August 24, 2005

Mumming, Disguising, And Dancing In Character And Costume

The opening at Williams 2.0... err to be correct... the new and improved Moore Wallace ATL Plant, and it was so much fun , as well as informational. The new facilities are the best in the Atlanta area hands-down. I had the opportunity to talk to the super important Mr. John Pope... all I can say is — what a hell-of-a-guy. Brilliant business man... just the best of the best in Atlanta. It was an honor to meet and talk with someone of his class. Outside of the brillaint folks I met, We drank lots of red wine (meaning myself and the Cool-Cat) and I got 3 different drawings of myself from the 3 different artists MW had on hand doing portraits (of-a-sort) at the event... enjoy! I've always thought that these portait people really capture the truth behind everyone they draw. So the interesting thing here is to see what 3 people thought on the same night within a 4 hour period of myself. I love each drawing... all three are going to my favorite people. Again.. enjoy!

Yes... as the title indicates — back at work again today. The drilling into my skull... errr, training is finally over.
Headed to the opening of the new Moore-Wallace Printing facilities tonight (4pm - 7pm). Drinks & Entertainment... should be a fun time.

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