August 12, 2005

Show Night — SPIN & GIN V: Caberat

SPIN & GIN V — Caberat!
914 Howell Mill Road, Suite 200
Atlanta, Georgia 30318

6:00 - 10:00PM
$25 Donation at the door

Got home from my morning of community work. Hot and tired boxed food all morning. Getting cleaned up and putting together the last 4 works for the show. 4 hours till the party'n starts... yeee-haw.


Geier is the man... check out the King chattin' on FOX 5.

The Late King

Luna Luxx does her stuff

Went to Stephs last night to finish up final production of my costume for the show and to check out hers. That girl is just too damn fast on a sewing machine. A lot faster than me.... wow!! The costume is finished as well as a major change in my appearance, I don't really notice it though. Again, major points to Steph for helping me with all this into the late late hours last night.

We both woke up really really early this morning... I have to donate some time to some community service for work and Steph is going to be on 'Good Morning Atlanta' FOX 5 to promote the Kingsized Elvis Show tomm. night. Geier is supposed to rock the TV set this morning. We are sleeping in tomm. Neither of us has had much sleep this week, way to many thing going on. Ahhhh!!! Paper Fashion Show is coming soon... AHHHH!!! Need sleep.

Show tonight... I'll update later.

AUGUST 12, 2005
BARKER - Pretermitted Jughead 35 (postcard)

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