August 14, 2005

Sundays Are For Sleepin' In Even Later

Here are some pictures from the SPIN show. Thanks Kanka... the man always has some sort of camera on him.

Kanka snapped this picture of the lady who bought 'Dance-Dance-Dance'. He said he thinks he spooked her out when he asked to snap a pic of her in the parking lot. I'm sure he did too... my buddie had a lot to drink that night.

Here is me and Steph getting our portrait done. It took so long we weren't able to get over to see Geier finish playing at the top of the Hilton — Nikolai's Roof. But we did get over there in enough time for us to all hang out. Yeah, I was still in costume... people must have been weirded out a little. I wasn't though. All I wanted was a cheesburger and a nap... and to my suprise everyone I asked about these things, gave me directions to both.


The Kingsized Elvis show was just amazing. There had to be at least 800+ people packed into the Variety Playhouse. It was intense. I saw Fredrick from Degenerate Press and we discussed the sad news about the Starlight Drive-In and those jerk-offs at New Line Cinema. If you don't know what's happening check out what The Degenerate Press says — Degenerate Press: Live Journal
Fredrick said he should put together a 4th of July Event there... I'll hold him to that. Kanka showed up after I told him that if he was smart he'd come to the show. So he smart'ned up. We had some drinks and some chuckles. Tee Hee!!

Met with Luna Luxx after the show... check out the lashes on her. Ohh baby!!

Had 3:00AM breakfast at the Majestic. Me — Western omlette, coffee, and hashbrowns with cheese. Miss. Luxxy — 2 eggs over-easy, hashbrowns and wheat toast. Delicious... thank you Mr. Mike for the meal again. What a hell-of-a guy.

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