June 15, 2006

With The Charges Dropped, A Withdrawl Is Inevitably Imminent... But Only After My Game Is Unfurled


Headed for the strip

This has to be the stupidest town I've ever been in. What's up with this?

They have a 7-Eleven though.

The goods.... time to be the smuggler mama wanted me to be.

Stopped into a shop to check out these beautiful works again and ended up buying another HOLGA camera w/ a built in multi-color flash... sweet. Thanks Serria, hope ya do well in Paris.

What's For Dinner: The Elton @ House of Blues

So if this is the House of Blues... what's up with all this red?

Working on 'Hot, Young, & Eager On 25¢ A Day' at a bar in Mandalay Bay

JUNE 15, 2006
BARKER - Sticky Vegas (stuffed envelope)

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