June 12, 2006

No Desert... Just A Signature Sound: Sex, Sex, Sex


The door. (Barker is still here)

View from the door.

Headed out for the morning.

MLH unloads the Standard Deluxe schwag.

SP surveys the digs and makes adjustments.

"Keanu Reeves On Television II"

MLH takes a few licks and prepares for the masses.

SP drinks instead.

Forget the people... let's go eat.

"That'll be a 15 minute wait"... OK... let's get a drink. (That's what they want... bastards!!)

Ohh yeah... I altered my badge... as usual. Sex Sex Pink Pink... Security here totally hates me!

Back to me' room. Jig'gidy Jig...

Pants below the waist.... hmmmm... the ladies must be out of frame.

JUNE 12, 2006
BARKER - Smells Of Vegas I (stuffed envelope)
KANKA - Smells Of Vegas II (stuffed envelope)

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