June 23, 2006

A Baker, A Bookie, And A Bishop Are Waiting For A Bus. The Baker Leans Over To The Bookie And Says, "Give Me $100 On The Bishop And $300 On His Wife"

CONFESSION: I spend to much time fixing my hair in the morning.

Dear god... all I want to do tonight is stand in my studio with a gin martini in hand and just fade away. What a damn week... is it me or are they getting longer and longer? I guess that would mean that the weekends are getting shorter and shorter. Is there still a weekend?

A newly blank room... this is really finally the end of a special time and time to move on as well.

It's a studio kinda 'rest-of-the-year' as each night is dedicated to studio work for the remainder of the year. Here I'm working on the finally realized final part of the 'Splits, Spreads, Spans, and Sprawls' series... this piece is one of the 4 year in the making elusive Sprawls. This only the second work in this now truely realized vein of the set — The Sprawl. The other 3 were developed a few years back but this final set took some time to come to. The first of this set [Carmella De] was created a month ago, but the final designation of the works in the set came today when I began the second work of such. The title is still out there on this but I'm leaning toward 'The Please'. This work will center to large green winged insects... I have a bit more entomology research to be sure of what they are before I post it here. When they were given to me by a former lover, I was told they were Sakeda's.... We'll see what they really are — and in Latin.
So the news of the day. Alright... these works close out the 1st of 3 sets of works that I plan to exhibit during the closing of this year and thru June of next year. Three solo shows. Thats right three solo shows. If Hirst can pull off 'Freeze' at a young age, I'll beat him with a 3 on 1.
Yes... I'm 'really' going to do them.
Yes.. I've been saving money for these shows for quite a while now.
Yes... I putting these shows together by myself, no gallery system.
Yes... There will be affordable works for the masses at each.
Yes... T-Shirts, buttons and give-aways.
Yes... The rumors that I've purchased billboards in town are true.
Yes... It's in a downtown location.
I said when I hit 30 I'd do this shit. Did you think I was kidding? You all really underestimated me didn't you. And after this I'm moving to New York City — yeah... think about that!

1. Splits, Spreads, Spans and Sprawls
2. The Fluoride Show - Retroconsumerism I
3. — (ha... just wait.)

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