June 26, 2006

A Moyl Walks Into A Barber Shop And Sits Down. The Barber Asks What He'd Like And The Moyl Replies, "Just A Little Off The Top".

CONFESSION: When I was little, I ran over a pregnant gardner snake with the lawnmower and what was left squirming around has haunted me to this day.

Another rain filled evening here, but no loss of power. I finished painting all three of the works in the Jughead triptych. All that is left to do is go over them once more and fill in any thin layers of paint with another quick coat and then add the final polyurethane outer-coat. Once all that is done and it's had a few weeks to dry, the next step is the neon lighting. With the neon however, I have a felling these works might be sitting a while before I have time to get around to it... or the money.

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