November 30, 2005

I Jump In It... I Feel Like A Bear

Last night I hung out at Kanka's until late in the night taking photographs of the dress. The photos turned out great. We shoot everything on a blue seamless from multiple angels in many different lighting situations. We shoot 360° straight on and from above, as well as countless detail shoots. Here is the dress in 360°... unfortuantly it's only an animated GIF so the quality on the blog is not the greatest. When the main site launches I'll have a very clean version of the animation done in Flash.

Kanka in his studio getting his photo on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are still as amazing as ever! I tried to e-mail you tonight but it bounced back. Got your e-mail from a mass sent out after the reunion. I'd like to forward it on. Can you clear out your e-mails so it will forward?