November 23, 2005

Let's Schedule A Meeting With The Earliest Fishes Piper

I have so many buttons I don't know what to do with them I tell you!! Spent the entire evening making buttons for the jacket. Damn I tell you thats no small task. The large image buttons took the most time because I had to be careful to keep them in order. Each buttons is numbered so as not to get them out of order. Originally there were 195 pins @ 13" x 15" — I have now removed a row to slightly thin the image. 12" x 15" = 180 total. there are a total of 216 individual portraits. 396 pins total — a little less than I hoped... ohh well.

All that needs to be made now are the buttons that I'll give away to people. I'm going to create those today and assemble them before Saturday night. The other thing I need to do is design a grided pattern so I can keep the pins lined up in neat rows. The large image needs to be side-by-side to be sure the image will appear. I didn't choose the best picture in terms of contrasts, however as of last night I realized something about the nature of the work and what it references from back in my high school days. The idea of an image that is put together by the eyes from a set of broken parts is very much like a painting I did back in 1994 — the Average Bureaucrats Visions Of jesus Christ. The concept eveloved from a love for Salvador Dali's work... he had done a simalar designed piece. My painting had a central image that was broken up into a series of circular plains. On close inspection these circles revealed no information as to the concept of the whole image, but once you stepped away from the piece and allowed your eyes to stop focusing on the individual parts and take in the parts as a whole the image of Michelangelo's baby Christ would appear. It was a great looking painting at the time. But looking back at it today, the excecution of the work is poor compared to my current standards, but it is still an important piece for me.
This jackets main image is a throw back to the idea of the small creating the whole. People will see the large image from a distance and the closer they get the more it will disolve away.

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