November 16, 2005

The People Are Down With The Industrial Service Industry

Back at the hotel right now, working on my 50 pieces... have converted the hotel room into a workspace.

Went to a bunch of galleries and record stores this afternoon. The coolest thing was the Weinerschnitzel... a fast food hot dog chain. AWSOME!!! Got myself a plaing hotdog w/ mustard — Brad a corndog. We didn't try their Pastrami Dog... but it sounded interesting... a little too much meat for my tastes.

Stopped at this place for a beer earlier — Hamburger Mary's... horrible dance music.

Stuck in Sacramento with nothing to do. My photo shoot has been canceled. Gonna head over to the art store and pick up some more supplies and then I'll get to working on my 50 piece project. Probably gonna pick up some white paint and coat everything with a nice white wash. Goning to do that on the roof of the parking deck across the street.... it's still early here only 10:00am... this is going to be a long day.

Walked down to Old Sacramento, had some dinner (a drunk steak and martini) and hit up a few bars and such.

I was working on my 50 piece project at the bar... drinking. Later, we found a photo booth near the hotel where I proceeded to take my cloths off for the automatic camera. Got some good pictures of course.

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