November 11, 2005

With A Cape And A Cord I Skip The Song From The Singers Lips

Went to Lenny's to check out The Liverhearts last night, but found that I was more engrossed with Michael Columbia... they where just plain great! Here's what their website has to say about them... I couldn't describe them any better than this.

With Michael Columbia’s “These are Colored Bars” a fresh new episode of music is delivered on Galapagos4’s Alabaster series. Veterans of the experimental indi rock triangle of Chicago, Philly and Athens, the duo of David McDonnell, of Bablicon (Misra Records), Olivia Tremor Control (Elephant 6) and Need New Body (file 13), and Dylan Ryan, of Icey Demons (Cloud Recordings) and Orso (Perishable) came together to experiment with a new combination of sounds and beats. Through the filtered bass tones weaving in and around, synths, saxophone, clarinet, violin and delay, synthetic ambient vocals sinuously drone over pressurized machine crushing beats. Sonic payoffs build up, floating in and out of Michael Columbia’s heavy low end foundations and orchestral textures. Imagine you’re in Lee Perry’s studio with a robot clone of Don Henley who’s been raised on Kraftwerk, that almost sums up MC’s sound. “These are Colored Bars” gets to the core of electronic rock through heavy seductive drumming topped off with spacedout vocal hand horn textures Michael Columbia takes you from the streets of Chicago into the far reaches of space. One minute you're in the soundtrack to Bladerunner, the next you're driving underneath tracks racing trains, keeping pace with some classic power rock. Only a city like this could spawn such a moody, humorous and danceable album...

Needless to say, I made a point of purchasing their album and telling David that I really enjoyed their set... I even got a pin from him (it's just a pin filled month it seems — a 1.5"). Anyways we walked into Lenny's right when MC started their set and almost immediatly I knew I was listening to something really special. I grab 3 tall PBR's for my peoples and moved to the front of the establishment to checkout the band. Here's some video with bad audio again—

So after the MC wrapped up we headed to the back of the bar to play a little pinball. Unfortunatly for us... the machine was functioning without any lights on the deck... ohh well. It was the first South Park pinball machine from SEGA... played it many times before. It's a great machine... when it's in working order.

We hung around and had another beer... waiting for The Liverhearts to start.

I had never been to Lenny's before, but like most rock clubs in the ATL it lacks one important thing — ventalation. The smoke was so thick in the place you could cut it with a knife... I'm still trying to recover this morning. Feel like I have smokers cough or a lung infection or cancer.... HACK!!

Another band hit the stage as we mingled around the pinball machine and by the time they were into their third song I realized it was The Liverhearts... I guess seeing the simplicity of the Michael Columbia just thru off my attention... there were 5 bands their last night and all of them sounded similar except for MC... ohh well. I made my way toward the front of the club yet again, but this time was met by a wall of people. So this is The Liverhearts last night —

I sauntered back to the other side of the bar where we finished our beers. Kanka commented that he bought 3 beers for $10 and paid with a $20 — but recieved $15 back... interesting math there. We headed to the door and I stopped and talked to David, bought a CD and we split in the middle of Livers set... ohh well... it was too smokey anyways and already almost 1 in the morning at this time. Some of us do have jobs you know.

Check out Michael Columbia at their site... there are 3 tracks off their album available for download there.

Michael Columbia

NOVEMBER 11, 2005
BARKER - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
BLACKMON - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
BURNS - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
BUTTREY - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
DROZD - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
GIBB - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
JANSSEN - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
KANKA - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
KANKOVA - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
KUTZBACH - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
LINTON - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
LUDWIG - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
MOODY - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
NEWMAN - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
NEWTON & GEIER - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
NOBLE - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
PEARSON - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
SEARCY - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
STATTS - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
STOUT - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
SYLVESTER - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
VICTORE - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
VINSON - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
WEISS - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)
YORK - Wasted Youth (postcard/pin)

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