Last night I made a lot of progress in the show front. I built out a total of 36 new 'Donut' base frames and I have enough balsa left that I could easily create another 3 dozen of them if I wanted. Currently I have 54 'Donut' works and I could end up with 90 of them when all is said and finished. That would bring the total amount of works for this show to around 130 pieces. Frightening... I'm very interested in the idea of having that many 'Donut' works though. That would be 7.5 dozen donuts... that's a lot. But they would look realy good all wrapped in their own packaging and such. Just like a product in a store. So we'll see where we go from here. It's going to be another busy evening. Need to pick up more alcohol... maybe even a few assistants again. Hmmmm....
Also last night I began to apply the nonpariels to one of the 2 large icon works for the show. I still need to rig something together to catch all of the excess nonpariels. I'll figure that out this evening. The frameworks for the 2 'Adds' that I'll be showing go underway last night as well. The flat underpainting for the large Peeps work got finished up too.
Did a little donut shopping during my lunch break today and picked up a dozen fresh KK's 'Chocolate Glaze w/ Patriotic Mix Sprinkles'. And then I got 4 'Chocolate Glaze w/ Rainbox Mix Nonpariels' and the 1 'White Glaze w/ Rainbox Mix Nonpariels'. Good stuff...
The fight against racism is actaullly at:
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