Nonpareils are in full effect. Bitting on the freshy laid 'test pattern' for two of the large works at Sweet Tooth
Checkin' whos' got the goods-enough to become a 'Stripper'.

The studio at around 10:15 this evening.
The Music By Two At The Time:
So tonight is another studio night. Progress is evident throughout. Leeps and bounds on this eve. So progress report: There are currently 3 large works for the show and 1 mega work.. (welll it's justb that much more bigger.) This evening I built out the three large works box frames and primed them. There is a large Peep work in these three and with it, I began to paint its four color scheme - YELLOW>PINK>BLUE>PURPLE. The other 2 large works have been primed and are ready to have their frame edges treated. That should be fun... not sure how to go about it yet.
On the 'Donut' front, I took a few major leeps this evening into linking the actual donuts used with their real history via/v. the artists work cluttering his studio. It's hard to explain, but basiclly 4 of the real donuts vare related to their set of 4 - 5"x5" frames that they are being mounted to. The four box frames were originally designed as pedestals for a work owned by Newman from the 'Media Mail' series from 2000-2001. But they never made the final cut and were thrown from the work. They have a new life... they have a nice 'Donut-Glaze-Meets-Pollack' feel. The donuts are a set of 2 dozen that was purchased years ago by Newman and other Atlanta locals on Sunday morning. Perfect fit. The work will attempt to be sold as one... but we'll see.
JULY 25, 2006
BARKER - Strip Tease 01 (stuffed envelope)
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