July 20, 2006

Show Me Yours' And I'll Show You Mine

Hmmm... 11 more days. Impressive. — But... will he last that long.

OHH YEAH... Whoever left the comment on yesterdays post... GREAT!!! Long Live the Jimmie!

Building little frames all last night... and late into the night at that. Also began the under-layer for a set of 4 identical drawing for the show — 12"x18". Then I think I'll do at least 2 other identicals at 8.5"x11". That's about it for last night... lots of busy work. Well that, a few drinks and PRW3.

Heard Raushenberg say something interesting last night too, in an interview he did back in the 80's that I dug up on the internet. He was talking about his early Red paintings and said that he pasted newpaper pages, mainly comicstrips, to the entire surface so that when he was to finally apply paint to the surface, the work would have no real begining, becasue the work already had an underlying structure. Or something to that effect. I just liked the idea that he thinks the works had no true beginning... that's an interesting way of looking at things. He also went on to talk about Albers and color theory for a good while too.

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