March 03, 2006

So Tell Me People Am I Going

I don't believe in impressionism... I sure as hell don't believe in abstract expressionism... They are both shit to me.

So why the fuck is all the work I'm starting have no basis? What happened to the concepts? Why am I now creating based on raw emotional output?

'Fucking A' why do I ever get ever involved, this shit always fucking ensues...

Pull my god-damned hair out... better still... yes... yes... this makes sense now.

Fuck it; Destroy it — Bring new life to it. Paint it all white. Take that which is not emotionally produced - i.e. Packaging; the functional; mass consumerism — trace-repeat-displace... trace-repeat-displace... trace-repeat-displace... break the will... break the common... while embracing the common will.. embrace and reproduce without logical input — let the unconscience prevail... form over function... function over form by functional subconscious formation.

Change the form through random acts. Add decay... rotten flesh and rotten fruit. Add the elements normally cast off... push them to a position of urgency... center them (well off center them). Find a vessel... germinate and attach. Diseased logic turned round.


Anonymous said...

like the apron look

Anonymous said...

got to have an apron... especially a cherry red one