March 10, 2006

Original Or Not, He's An Example Of A Real Man

Photo: KANKA

Went to R.A. Miller's funeral this afternoon with Kanka. Before the 'show' we sipped on a beer in the funeral home parking lot (aluminum cans - thinner, but similar to the metal the old man snipped at)... an act I can only hope my faithful do for me.
We entered the parlor and went to visit the old man one more time. He sat still, holding a paint brush with both hands, eager to hear what we had to say. I was elated to convey a message to the old man once again. His body was there and he was quietly attentive, just as he was in life... but he was there. I could feel it.
The croud... well I must say, interesting. I suspect some with the devil ideals in their hearts still.
Mr. Miller... I met with you on few occations, but I know you and all the others can see these words. You are true. I admire you for that. I still remember the grin you gave me the day I sat next to you and took some of your snuff and pinched it between my cheek — a brown caked substance in an unmarked orange perscription bottle. That grin. I still trust you old man. I still believe in your conviction. I strive for it. I too will find it one day. Thank you for letting me know it's out there.
We will talk and have a pinch of snuff again soon... in 'your' house. All of us.

With Love

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