March 30, 2006

Buttered Lemon Into Pellets Of Frozen Rain

Ahh nuts... wait a minute... ok then. Damn... what to put on this chunky bastard today... good question. Not much has been going on really. Just a lot of crap 'at work' and crap when I come home 'to work'. the artist is always on his way to work... sure he is... sure he is. So yeah I've been working on those strange meat paintings lately. they've reached the point no that i need to pick up my enamels at the paint store and get cracking on the 'void' spaces. Then I have to pickup some circuit boards and wire (I'm fresh out) to attach to the works. Nothing fun'r than large chunks of rotting meat with wires and transistors all over it. I'm finding it harder and harder to fins these damn things too... well at least in any electronic device in my house. I'm gonna have to hit the goodwill and buy as much cheap 80's / 90's electronic junk as possible — before I can't find them any more... yeah right. So yeah paintings and more paintings.
The Fluoride works are coming along... I mean i might actually pull this off, even though i've been working on it all for well over 2 years now... damn. Well the issue is money... things ain't cheap, but it's getting there. if it's not ready by the end of this year It'll be a Feb. 2007 show. Better late than never AAARG!!
I'm wrapping up the large 'Blue Jughead Triptych'.. the painting is done, right now I'm looking into lighting this puppy up just like the last one I did (note: Need to get prof. photos of the work - contact owner: 360 Media Inc.
What else... ohh... well I'm gonna have to jump back into the website again and fix things and add the content that some of the links don't have (sorry)... that's gonna take a little bit of time.
There is a group show coming up in April here in the ATL that i'm gonna be in, but I'll wait until all the details are in. I'm not even sure what i really want to show... decisions. Then there is another local group show coming up in June that I'm in too. So, my thinking that i wouldn't do any shows this year... bunked. Maybe this time-round I just won't do new work at break-neck speed just for these shows... ha... who am I kidding of course I will.

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