September 19, 2005

Understanding Is The Simplified Portion Of The Equation


Pictures from Saturday Night: The Earl
Criminal Records Customer Appreciation Party

Arrived with time to spare. Had 2 shots of Patron and a tallboy PBR. Walked into the back room to see Mike Geier's Traditional Geisha Tea Party. Ohh la la — Check out the fan on that one. Mike and RL knocked out a series of breethy balads as only Mike can. The croud was totally adrift with the vibe he was pumping out in his custom made outfit.

The last act was a band called The Selmanaires, I had never seen them before. An obvious sign that I'm not getting out nearly enough. Lack of local music knowledge is what I get for years of work in solitude. Steph said they get better every time she see's them. They must have always been good, because I thought they were bloody amazing. Can't wait to see them again.

The blue and red police lights kick in and the croud became electric. Tommy Chung started to pull at his bass strings and the croud broke into dance feverishly.

The Lynchian weirdness sets in and the evil of the evening begins to make itself evident. Something strange is happening, but no body can put their finger on it — something in the air... something in the vibe... something in the drink.

This guy thru his pants at me. When he got off stage I asked to take a picture with him. Strange person — anyone know who he is?

SEPTEMBER 19, 2005
LUDWIG - Hollywood Gossip (postcard)
NEWTON & GEIER - Hollywood Gossip (postcard)

KANKA - Schaefer Polaroids 10 (construct)

LUDWIG - Blackout Relic 04 (construct)

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