Hung out at Trader Vic's last night with Steph and the usuals. Had a ball as usual... we were going to go to Dad's Garage to see Rocky Horror, but our dinner lasted a little longer than planned. So we went to Vic's to see the silver-haired ladies in town for the Christian Woman Convention. They were all over the Hilton. Tongo Hiti rocked out their usual classic and Lil'r Richard from New Orleans joined in the fun too. It was a swell night.
Foolish people doing foolish things.
Mike & Lil'r Richard rock'n it.
The boy with the high pitched voice.
Tongo Hiti performs my favorite number.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2005
BARKER - Cowboy Variant A (postcard)
KANKA - Cowboy Variant B (postcard)
KUTZBACH - Cowboy Variant C (postcard)
LUDWIG - Cowboy Variant D (postcard)
LUDWIG - Blackout Relic 02 (construct)
KANKA - Schaefer Polaroids 08 (construct)
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