September 15, 2005

This Is A Love Song


Mailing out quite a few correspondences again today. The interesting one is the Jughead Variant SEP 14 2005. This postcard is actually the work I'm going to submit to the Visual Aids benifit in New York City next month. I'm mailnig it to myself because the gallery wants the artists signature on the back of the work (it's part of the shows gimick). I figure it to be an even smarter idea — mail the work to myself, thus making the work an offical postcard. The part that upsets me about this show is that they really shouldn't call it 'Postcards From the Edge' because you don't actually mail the work to them like a postcard — you send it in an envelope and they do not require anything but a signature on the back... so the work never truely becomes a postcard at part in their process. The works just happen to be 4"x6" standard postcard sizing, but this doesn't make them postcards either. That's why I'm making the work I'm submiting totally authentic as a postcard.
Also today I'm mailing two entries for the HOW International Design Awards — submitting 2 annual reports I produced this past year. Won't hear anything about those until March 6, 2006... damn long wait if you ask me.

SEPTEMBER 15, 2005
BARKER - Jughead Variant SEP 12 2005 (postcard)
KANKA - Jughead Variant SEP 13 2005 (postcard)
SCHAEFER - Jughead Variant SEP 14 2005 (postcard)

LUDWIG - Blackout Relic 01 (construct)

KANKA - Schaefer Polaroids 07 (construct)

BARKER - Cowboy (postcard)
BLACKMON - Cowboy (postcard)
KANKA - Cowboy (postcard)
KUTZBACH - Cowboy (postcard)
LUDWIG - Cowboy (postcard)
NEWMAN - Cowboy (postcard)
NEWTON & GEIER - Cowboy (postcard)
NOBLE - Cowboy (postcard)
PEARSON - Cowboy (postcard)
STATTS - Cowboy (postcard)
STOUT - Cowboy (postcard)
VINSON - Cowboy (postcard)
WEISS - Cowboy (postcard)
YORK - Cowboy (postcard)

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