Still can’t get a damn thing to post on this site outside of my headlines which makes it look like I haven’t written a damn thing. I think tomorrow they are gonna release the Blake verdict... I got hint of it off of some web blog out there. Man if they convict him that will be fucked up — especially considering how much of a fucked up bitch his wife was. She was a total scumbag. I support you Robert.
Forgot again today to bring my mailings with me... another late night of reading. Lots of reading and research.
Worked on some of Barkers postcards earlier this evening and made some headway earlier today on the Kanková cards. Since I was so facinated with Jackson yesterday i decided to send her a nice set of Jacko cards. They are gonna be really cool... but I'm sure she'll be like what the hell are these all about. Gonna get back and do a few more cards for Barker and then hit the books again.
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