March 20, 2005

New Correspondence for Gallery Show

Ended up drinking at the Earl with the Vinsons till about 2AM last night. It was really good seeing them again... plan on it more often. As usual the Vinsons were chock-full of great stories. I wrote several things down, but looking back at them this morning, nothing really seems to strike me as something I want to attempt for this show. I grabbed a bunch of old Sesame Street childrens books from my archives and started shreading them and reassembling them onto 30 — 4"x7" cards. I'm going to try and get both sides totally covered and then see how I want to proceed from there.
I pulled out an old plastic coke sign Kanka had handed me a few years back from R.A. Millers yard. Kanka said here make something out of this... well I am finally. Cut the thin banner into 7 — 5"x8" cards. These things are filthy... going to put a coat of clear spraypaint onto them to seal in the dirty goodness. not sure what I'm going to do to them yet, but these will be another set of cards to send to the show. I'm also toying with the idea of sending them some postcards that are in sealed bags filled with air. The same kinda thing you see used in packaging now-a-days. Have to figure out a good system of making these though.
Not going to bug Barker today because I know he too is busily cranking out postcards as well. I'll call him this next week to see how he is doing. I don't think I'm going to be able to get cards out this coming week. I'm gonna plan to finish the bulk of the cards during the week and begin mailing them in mass monday the 28th.

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