March 19, 2005

Postcard Mania – Out With Vinsons

Spent most of the morning working on postcards for a gallery show Barker and I are entering out of Dallas. Show opens May 14... yeah road trip. Barker figured we had a window of 30 days to mail materials to the show before dealine. So that basiclly means one correspondence a day monday — saturday for 5 weeks. I started pulling out materials this morning and spread them all over my floor... but I'm at a lose for what to do.
Mr. Vinson wrote me this morning... he recieved the 'Love Foiled' mass correspondence today and was the first to reply. As a reward, as I had planned he will recieve the original painted comic. Yeah for him. I'm going to go out for drinks with them later tonight... should be really fun. I haven't seen the Vinsons in a while. Hopefully I'll be able to come up with some good ideas for this gallery show. I'm sure something will hit me later tonight.

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