October 04, 2016

Will There Really Be A Morning

OCTOBER 4, 2016
BARKER - A Broken Heart - 02 (4x6 postcard)
KANKA - Marshaled Termination - 03 (4x6 postcard)
SCHAEFER - The Sea Of People - 01 (4x6 postcard)

So just found out I got a piece accepted into the "Love, Artist" photography exhibition which will be part of C4 Atlanta's ArtoberFest. It's not a huge deal, but it's a good boost and a start in the right direction. I needed it. No artwork 'per se' on display — instead they are featuring photographs of Atlanta artists in their natural environments. Workspace photos of the artist producing work. My particular photo is from 2006. It shows me naked drinking a glass of scotch while I look over three of my rainbow jimmie covered double-ended dildo works that were in production for my then upcoming 'Sweet Tooth' solo exhibition. Very happy about this.

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