October 01, 2016

I Know A Place

OCTOBER 1, 2016
BARKER - My Way - 07 (3x5 postcard)
KANKA - Marshaled Termination - 01 (4x6 postcard)
WASSERMAN - Be Brutal, Be Tough - 04 (4x6 postcard)

Have been posting a lot of work again on here, but haven't written in a while. While looking back through my blog this morning, I came across this interesting post from December 11, 2008 — Put Those Stamps On The Letters. It makes today's post title seem very fitting... as it seems 'I do know a place'. An interesting perspective on things now and then from myself at 32 years of age. Things can, do and will change. There is no should'a, would'a, could'a. In the eight years since writing that, I've come to realize that determination is the best thing. One could say that the spirit of 'The Chariot' through willpower and self-mastery is a magnanimous aim. Only then, can one reach a point of interpersonal control over the conscious and unconscious regions; over past and future states. Always in motion is success. Always in the air is loss. Always in the back of your throat is regret.

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