December 07, 2005

What's The Use In A Title

Alright.... I've finished two 20 page concept books full narrative with 3 spreads into the 10-K. I'm buring the CD and going to sleep. have a meeting for this stuff at 8am... have to be at work by 7 to mount the prints to boards. Here we go...

So I'm just lying here... it's dark, quiet and comfortable, but all I can seem to do is lie here. Another night of this. Another night... I've gotten up and decided to go back to work. Gonna fix a cup of coffe... will have to go to work in a few hours anyways. Can't sleep, too much on my mind... usually I can just write a list of everything thats on my mind and then I seem to be able to forget and go to sleep, but I can't write lists this time. So I'll stay awake and try to occupy my mind with work. Write in the blog some more... I'm gonna shoot some photos, make a postcard and then get back to doing layouts for work. Was up until 3am doing these annual report layouts and now I just got out of bed... I'm shaking my head now... why am I awake writting on this at 4am... go to sleep. Man... I'm just sitting here talking to myself... so pointless. Need to begin the work I guess. I'm going to feel miserable tomorrow... I wonder when I'll hit the peak. Every other time I've gone without sleep I notice that there is a peak you reach and then suddenly the last thing you need is sleep and everything seems ok again. The insomnia is setting in and everything from this point to the peak will be like it always is. Ohhh drab...
I wonder what the rest of the world is dreaming of tonight. I don't remember any of my dreams lately... strange... Kim Gordon is singing about dreams in the background... the irony of this all. 'It's just a dream' she's singing... 'It's just a dream I had... it's just a'... man iTunes is weird so days. OK enough of this... gonna do some work... I'm shaking my head at myself again.

DECEMBER 7, 2005
BARKER - Swimming Lessons: Gesture 05 — Cult of Ray Johnson (postcard/pin)
KANKA - Swimming Lessons: Gesture 05 — Cult of Ray Johnson (postcard/pin)
STOUT - Swimming Lessons: Gesture 05 — Cult of Ray Johnson (postcard/pin)
VICTORE - Swimming Lessons: Gesture 05 — Cult of Ray Johnson (postcard/pin)

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