Happy Mondays — hmmm... but are they really happy?
Went to El Myr last night for a suprise get together. It was Kanka's birthday. I bought him a bunch of Yo-Yo's.... good stuff. Many drinks were consumed, as well as some food. Good times... good times. The most interesting part of the evening, besides learning what a 'Biddy' was, had to be the bill. A whopping $60... wow... I guess pitchers of Guiness are cheaper than by the glass. Who would have figured.
Didn't get in until after midnight, which was a suprise... just didn't realize it had gotten so late.
biddy |ˈbidē| noun ( pl. -dies) informal
a woman, usually an elderly one regarded as annoying or interfering : the old biddies were muttering in his direction.
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