October 30, 2005

I Got This Feeling... It's Deep In My Body

Spent the majority of today installing towel bars and knobs on cabinet doors... such a brillaint and stimulating exercise. The big task is to get the studio space built out and ready to work in as soon as possible. I'm going to purchase lumber this next weekend and start crafting the large center table first... and possiblely the two tables that will be on casters. There are a lot of things I need to build... including the entertainment center for the house. It'll be big and bad!!
Also today I went to the 'storage unit' which is now completely empty — can't believe I had all my stuff in this small space — I have about 500 small holes that need to be filled with spackle. Have beer will travel. The spackle I have is pretty neat stuff... it goes on pink so you can see it and then dries white... very interesting stuff.

Just wrapped filling in the walls... at one point the entire place looked like a pimple faced teen... so many holes in those walls — unreal... pink spots everywhere.

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