October 06, 2005

I Feel Ugly And Dirty And Tired. I Can't Get To Sleep My Head Is Wired.



For some reason or another I've become totally readdicted to one of my favorite bands of all time (not that I ever got over then though). I used to listen to them religiously as a kid and now I'm back to that mode of thinking again. I wonder what it's all about... ohh well. I'll just get back to rockin'. Let's get to together and end it all... Let's get together in a bathroom stall. Let's get together and slit our wrists... Let's get together and do the twist.

I didn't do any work on the dress last night... waiting for friday and the weekend. Instead, I did some work on the cherrylipped.com main web site. I was batch processing around a 1,000 different images getting them ready to be imported into Flash. I'll begin to place most of the images into the site in the next few weeks, after all the structural elements are built and the text based content and section mapping is finsihed. It's coming along a lot faster now than I had first thought. I have a really solid base structure to work on, so adding materials and creating new sections is really easy now. Most of the needed elements that can be found in each section are already waiting in the library to be droped in. There are only a few elements that need to be created anew as I go along. Anyways — I will still be postingthe site January 1, 2006... even though now I think I'd be able to post it sooner.

OCTOBER 6, 2005
BARKER - Pretermited Jughead 39 (postcard)

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