April 22, 2005

(sigh) So Beautiful

Well I picked up the post office boxes this afternoon... and they are totally awsome. Each box still have the last names of the people they used to belong too. I forgot to ask the previous owner where they originally came from, but I think after I get a better look at these things i'll know wether it was a housing complex or an actual post office. I'll post a picture or two of them on here later today. Haveing people over to have a few drinks and check them out.

I was up really late last night cranking out the correspondences for the Texas show. The last day I will mail will be this coming monday. I will have a total of 16 pieces to send that are all the really super crazy works for the entire grouping of works sent. I seriously doubt that half of these will even make it out of Atlanta. But hey... the theme was to challenge the system, so I'm definitlly staying on track with that. I've got cards with metal nuts and bolts coming out of them... some with coca cola cans and lime slices attached... and a pair of flip flops... not to mention the other 10 cards. If all of mine and Barkers work actually makes it to the show, it'll be amazing.

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