April 20, 2005

Post Office Boxes You Will Be Mine

Check out these fancy little number's I'm working on getting my hands on.

Thats right... real post office boxes. Too cool!! Don't hate me because I'm beautiful...

The post office boxes are mine. I will be picking them up friday at lunch time and transfering them to their new home. I'm extremly excited about the possibilities these two beauties will bring. I have all sorts of wonderful ideas for their use in our postal art gallery shows.

Here is another detail pic from the owner.

APRIL 20, 2005
COTELIA - Sugar Bunnies 07 — White Spot (postcard)

CARDS FROM BEYOND THE EDGE - Biff and Sully—Violet (Purple) (postcard)
CARDS FROM BEYOND THE EDGE - Poco Loco—Mauvelous (postcard)

CARDS FROM BEYOND THE EDGE - 04.20.05 Formal Letter (letter)

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