January 25, 2005

Working at Sherrills

I'm gonna take my materials over to Sherrills Studios space tonight to do work. Haven't seen her for a few days and i like getting over there... it inspires me to do nutty things. Last time I was over there I took 2 of Hollenbecks 'Left Foot' correspondences with the intention of using some of her pastel house paints on them. I did... but after i looked at them I decided to set them on fire. they just looked like they need to be set on fire. Plus, I like burning things over at her house. Every time I do it she gets so bent out of shape. Fun Fun

Tomorrow I will be posting an updated correspondence list. I am adding 5 more people, bringing the total to 20.

Have suspicions that the people in my mailroom at work might be stealing my mail before it goes out. I checked with Newman to see if he received any postcards and after saying he didn't know what I was talking about, he added that if he had received anything it would have been at least 3 things (wonder what he's cooking up). This is positive news because I've only sent him 3 so far.

FORGOT TO SCAN MAILINGS AGAIN TODAY. DAMNIT!!!! And today I sent the Weiss the most controversial correspondence yet (only if you look hard at it though) I'm gonna have to stay up late tonight and scan everything.

JANUARY 25, 2005
BARKER - Omitted Jughead 10 (postcard)
NEWMAN - Magnum Hawaiian 04 (postcard)
WEISS - Miss March / Miss November 04 (postcard)

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