January 04, 2005

100 Small Works — Concepts

Last night around 2am, I came up with some interesting ways for making the frames for the 100 Small Works: New York City Barstool Baptisms set. Besides using some really heavily guilded frames, I plan on adding sculpted babies to each corner of the frame. I'll use those plastic ones I purchased from Junk Man's in 2004. I'll heat and bend them into different positions (ecstasy/torment) for the top/bottom heaven-hell contrasts.

Also had a great idea for the 100 Small Works: Hot, Young & Eager on 25¢ a Day set. It involves the fragmenting and spacing of pornographic pictures to create a large scale abstracted image... I think it's gonna work out wonderfully and really help build up the layering that is needed in these pieces. Each grided piece will be 1/8 x 1/8 square - separated on all sides by 1/8. Up close the image will disappear but from a distance it should come into focus. I'm planing to hand paint each square based on the segmented originals. Each of the 20 works will have about 100+ squares in each... and I plan the repeat the technique at least 2 times on each piece, with the second phase being one image that is spread across all 20 works. The layering and measurements involved in this are gonna be very ordered, yet very chaotic.

JANUARY 04, 2005
BARKER - Birds/Birdfood 02 (postcard)

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