August 27, 2010

Operation Out Of

Busy working on a few fresh sets of cards. Doing my recycled materials postcards for a number of these. There are some coming up that I'm creating with oil painted portraits different people and another set with some colored pencil portraits. Trying to make sure and take a little more time with my old school techniques on some of these this round.
Figured out what to do with a large amount of rejected drawings I've done. These (3) were from 2004. Just fold them in half. Glue together. and cut a postcard out of it. WHAM! Instant two-sided postcard. I like this method of working a lot. The drawing all had small areas that were interesting but as a whole the entire composition did not gel. By forcing the piece to be folded in half and then giving oneself a limited amount of space in which to select/crop/cut the postcard shape you accomplish two things:

1. You allow for the "small area" to take on more power by splitting the composition space surrounding it by less than half the original composition. A smaller more focused composition is thus generated.

2. You create 2 like, but broken sides that tend to already play with each other back and forth without having to create 1 side and then the other. In short... you are creating both the front and the back of the postcard in one process.

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