November 04, 2009

True Silver Reelings From

Trying to keep up with this pain in my ass Mr. Blog. Ohh well... I'm back get used to it. So there isn't that much to report for today, did lots of work and even more laundry. Web sites and print work... yeah I dealt with you both today and you both bore me so.

Was thinking about painting today, but I read some more of my current book "The Hidden Dimension" and worked out some ideas in my sketch book. Haven't tooled in a sketchbook seriously for a few years and that is surprising as I have so many of them from old totally filled to the gills. It's nice to get back to a solid place where all my thoughts can be logged.... been using it the past few months now. I forgot what a treat it is sometimes to look back on ideas that aren't on cocktail napkins and random scraps of paper. Granted all of these little devices eventually got glued into a book... but it's just not the same really.

Also spent another good portion of my day porting more of my 1,457 strong (and growing) movie collection to hard drive. Ohh yeah, I also watched all the episodes of Jekyll... not bad a'tall brotha. I had overheard someone a night or two ago talking about an excellent Dr.J&H show where he communicated with his other self via tape recorder... so I had to see that.

Tonight I'm having a few drinks of Mezcal and goof'in around. Will probably get back to my reading book or sketchbook before I turn in.

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