This stuff is getting really crazy now. Tampa and St. Louis tonight. People locked out of public meetings.... come one - come all. But wait too many of you showed up and we can't let you all in... so we'll just let in the folks we want at this point. Least that's part of what I see in some of these videos. So those left outside tended to act more like a rowdy crowd at a high school football game, but it is a public event that the public has been barred from to a certain degree. You would have thought the way things things have been going around the country with these town halls that some "smart" organizer would have scheduled one of these meetings in a venue that could hold more than 250 people. But this is what government officials, unions, and Obama friendly groups like 'Organizing for America' do best... fall short for the people.
Love the woman telling everyone they shouldn't be allowed in because "You don't want to listen... You don't want to hear the truth." Amazing... just listen. It's precious.
So if this Health Care shit passes, there's gonna be a real civil war in this country. Crazy times are a'brewin and I for one am ready to get in on the action. When the town hall meetings hit GA... I'm gonna have myself a box of pre-printed ACORN shirts and I'll pass them out the first set of people who seem civil enough to really tell these people in charge what for. I'm not interested in ignorant chants and singing Kumbaya campfire songs. This isn't high school politics anymore people. Take it from me... I know high school politics. People need to drop the attitude and attack with some facts in a calm manner and then demand in a calm way, they get some straight answers. If you want to shout... get your fake free-pass ACORN shirt from someone else... cause I ain't printing these for everyone. Hmmm...on second thought, maybe I will. That would be a real hoot!!
And More...
Tom you should mos' def' stay out of politics. It turns people off. I'm just sayin'
Ha... turns you off ya mean. I guess you should report me to the White House then.
Well, to be honest I don't like seeing that guys man-boobs. YUCK! Plus, who cares. Politics will happen whether we participate, give a shit or not. Plus, their is so much b.s. flying a bought you can't tell the truth from fiction. And if that is really so who knows whether or not what you say or write or report is accurate. Not that I've read any of that hot mess. Cause I prefer SEX, DRUGS & some MF ROCK 'N ROLL. That is my religion, my politics, my concerns, my voice and my choice. Fuck it. I'm done ... stick a fork in me.
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