July 01, 2009

Break Break Break All Your Former Logics Trends

When I hit the city of Buffalo the first stop has become tradition. Premier Liquor on Delaware Ave. They had gigantic bottles of the most horribly awesome rot-gut rum I've ever drank. We did NOT buy any of them. Notice the bottle of the good stuff to the left... or by them being next to each other does that say something about the quality of the other?

Another must is chicken wings at Kelly's Korner, also on Delaware Ave. Between the 4 of us, we chowed down on 2 large beef on wecks and a pile of 50 wings... and that was just lunch.

Later in the evening we had a large group meet up at The Founding Father Pub on Edwards Street. Here's John, Donny and Frank doing a little vogue for my camera.

Inside, the place is littered with presidential memoribelia and such. Did I mention they have complimentary nachos and cheese. A man could make a meal on that alone. Conversations ranged from how long we'd last on a Deadliest Catch crab boat, to how much we either loved or hated The Eagles.... yeah the band.

We all finally ended up at Mohawk Place on none other than Mohawk Ave. I guess you could say that Mohawk is a bit of a landmark when it comes to down-and-out music venues. We were all out there to see Frank rock out that night. Chris Malachowski from Wolf Tickets opened the night with rare electric solo set. The PBR was cold and the Tullamore Dew was calling for me all night.

John, who was traveling with Frank throughout the tour and taking care of all the business ends, was working the Merch table and was kind enough to show me the tattoo he had enblazened on his chest. Apparently the tatt was given to him by Frank, but finished by someone with a more steady and experienced hand. Can you tell which part is which.

Whilst sitting at the bar my cousin Chantel pointed out this nice little quote written on one of the walls there.

Finally Frank Turner took to the stage and jammed out an amazingly impressive and long set. So long in fact that my Flip MinoHD's battery died right at the halfway point and right at the beginning of my Cousin Donny taking the stage with Frank for a little harmonica accompaniment. After hanging out with Turner for the day I was totally blown away by his set... totally british punk meets american country. It was brilliant!

One last pic before we headed back to the house for the evening. Erik (Spicoli) ended up heading back with us all and we continued to drink through the rest of the night.

1 comment:

Aaron Barker said...

I fucking hate the Eagles. They are a sad rip off of the Flying Burrito Brothers. And that's a fact jack.