December 20, 2006

A Pinafore That Is Just Out Of Style

This is my final task for the year to be completed before my 30th birthday.

Take every noncommittal work of art that hasn't been finished up until this point and enact the following 7 steps on them immediately.
1. Cut work into as many 5" x 5" squares as possible.
2. Burn all parts and pieces under size and place ashes in a glass vitrine.
3. Scan each piece into the computer.
4. Take each scan individually and reduce it down to a single relative color.
5. Draw a 1/3 porportional square in the center of each cut square.
6. Fill the square with a perfectly macthed mix of oil paint relative to the squares reduced relative color.
7. All squares not completed by 02.14.2007 should be burned and those ashes placed in a second glass vitrine.

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