October 20, 2006

Erase The Fear & Balance A Tear

Thomas Arthur Schaefer @

If your ass is in Dallas... you should be there!


JENNY: I just bought a great piece from bones
JENNY: Yup. Your work has been gAWKED at and i have you on.
BARKER: I forgot to tell u i lost ur sticks. Oops. I sorry. Its what livin out ur car will do.
BARKER: This very cute girl says ur brilliant & creepy. What a compliment!
BARKER: I just met this artist from atl.
BARKER: ? Doug. Redblood gallery yo yo gallery
JENNY: I did your deed... They could have turned out better... But it is crowded

Cricket shoping today. Picked up 300 of them...3 full bags. Of course the questions... what do you need so many for. Afterward I stopped at some shitty 'Halloween Superstore'... bullshit, they had nothing of interest. Of course some cock-sucker though it would be interesting to side swipe the front of my car while I was in the store. Thanks you asshole sitting in his white van. Motherfucker!! Dents, scratches, etc.

My version of the television show 'Six Feet Under'. After you euthanize these crickets, you have to one by one move their limbs back into position. If you don't do this the painting ends up looking like a thing with crickets glued to it. But when you get the legs right suddenly the work takes on a life like appearance and the damn little suckers look like they are crawling all over each other. Just like they do in real life. And that's one of the keys to the work, not only should they be positioned correctly but they need to crawl over each other and be in mass. If you can do that, then you can make a really creepy painting.

OCTOBER 20, 2006
STATTS - FNF (media mail)

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