May 15, 2006

Nothing To Do Now... So I'll Spin-Out And Lose it

11:17 pm
Kanka just thru me this photo from across the hotel room here in Chatt town via BLUETOOTH - the pirate... well he's not really a pirate... its just a computer chip talking shit from one computer to the other. Anyhow.... it's a better frontal of me lighting a'blaze 'Carmella De' for the first time. I set it ablaze several times that day. It's the annihilationist in me... after all... I am the upstart of annihilationism... it's mine mine mine.

4:22 pm
My god the work is just flowing suddenly and things have become clear. I don't know what has changed in my life since this weekend, but something clicked and the drive is here. I knocked out 'Carmella De' (minus the 100 or so more ladybugs I need to put on it, the piece is going to be engorged with them... yes the real thing). Also got to work on a second piece similar in dimensions to Carmella. The other stunner is that I also brought to near completion two other works that I thought were just totally lost... all on Saturday!!! Because I was able to create Carmella, it's allowed me to finally dive head-first into these complex 'combines' I've been working on bit-by-bit... the only issue is that I've already run out of wiring and circuit boards to tear up and glue into the works. I'm gonna have to hit 2 locations to find this source material on the cheap and easy... Goodwill/Salvation Army and the auto junkyards. I figure I'll be able to pick up lots of outdated electronic crap at the thrifts and then hit the auto jards to get the miles of wiring and random metal junk I need.
I'm just in this totally different mind set since I created this Carmella piece (going to get some good pictures to post when I finish it). I also added some more components (a secondary set of horns) to the 'Spreads' work 'Fundamentals Of Meat Abandonment'. That's the piece I wrapped in the brown leather mini-shirt one of my ex's left behind. Still haven't finished it yet... but it's getting there... no thanks to Carmella. It's all a matter of getting the materials gathered and pressing into these works again... it's just all making sense suddenly. What's refreshing is that it's a much more mature and complex version of works I created back in college and after the fact... such as 'Mother Machree' 1996 and 'Archie Bunkers Descent Into Hell" 1999.
Kanka looked at 'Carmella De' saturday evening after I temporarily hung it on the wall and after looking at it for a few minutes he exclaimed, "I think you have some serious mental issues." I guess... but don't we all. And if it takes mental issues to continue to produce works of this caliber then label me crazy, cause it's working for me right now.

I'm also coming really close to finishing up the large Blue Jughead triptych. A few touch ups of blue here and there... then a coat of poly-U. I then have to wrangle my funds to get the 3 neon lights made for it. I've decided to go with a red neon, wrapped horizontally flush across the facing of each panel. What they will say I'm still not sure of, but I know that neon is the key. I considered building them with a similar lighting structure used in 'Dance - Dance - Dance', but I just don't think the alternating marquee lighting senario would work as well... plus if the other work could cause seizures, I'd hate to see that same scheme done 500% bigger. And truthfully, I really don't feel like wiring that electrical setup again. of course where i'm gonna put the transformers the neon needs is beyond me still as well.

The 2 fluoride monochrome oils are coming along as well. I've almost finished the first of 2 quadrents on each work, but they are still going to take a lot of time beacuse of the details, even though they are monochromes. I'd hoped to have these done by the end of year, but we'll see. I can't really expect sooner as there are several other works that need to be completed.

Headed to Chattanooga tonight to prep for a photoshot I'm directing tues - wed... should be fun. Looking forward to getting my IPA beer tonight at Big River Grill... haven't had it in ages. PLUS soft pretzels with beer mustard... ohh jesus that stuffs so fuckin' good. So some beer, some food, some games a pool... a hotel within walking distance... ohh yeah and the excellent company of one Mr. Kanka. We're gonna drink a few tonight I'm sure.

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