April 02, 2006

It's Never To Late To Find Your Salmon Card

So today I was woke by Kanka at my door... ding-dong... ding-dong. So I woke my sorry ass up... forgot about the time change... damn you Franklin... but it's alright I had painting frames to build. I was up late last night cutting and glueing balsa wood like crazy.
So today, after a mid-afternoon breakfast at my way-to-local Waffle House, I got to work with Kanka on photos for myself and him. He's workin' on a killer sticker of him as Che Guevara titled Czechuevara... it's gonna be killer red/black on white vinyl... good stuff. He shot a portait of me that I'm using on my personal invite/postcards to the show on the 15th. They look crazy. Picture a mouth stuffed full of marshmallow Peeps bunnies and your getting the idea. Those are getting mailed tomorrow.

So later today I finished building and sanding all 10" x 10" x 7/8" balsa box frames. I've added wood filler and will sand again tommorow. Need to buy paint for pinstriping tomorrow.

There are a total of 20 identical works that I need to finish in the next 13 days. The plan of attack is to complete each part of the work as a separte piece and then put the 2 parts together in the end. So the frames need to be flat coated white and have their edges pinstriped. At the same time I need to treat all 20 (16 set) bunnies in the polyacrylic and get them 'preserved'. 16@20=320 — 80/4
Then once both of those steps are complete I can coat the frames with polyacrylic and add a dab to the bottom of the bunnies and attach the 2.... should be simple in theory.... but i know the pin striping is going to be my downfall on these.

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