Not much happening today. I spent most of it recoving from being out last night at Lenny's with friends. Pretty interesting evening... but I had far too many drinks and had to step outside a few times to get some air. Lenny's is always packed full of smokers... gag.
A made a run to the art supply store today and bought a cool $100 in new brushes. I have this problem with not always cleaning them out, and after some time my supply becomes exausted. Maybe I should try clean them better... or maybe I need a cute little assistant to do that for me. Hmmmm...
So beside new brushes I also go a steal on a new quart of Liqitex Acrylic - Mars Black. Normally these buckets of paint (which are the best formulation of this brand... tubes suck) runs around $100 a pop... but some how this bucket was in clearence for $30. I couldn't belive it. Strange also was the fact that it was the only bucket of colored acrylic in the whole store... everything else is gesso and gel medium... ohh well. I won't need black paint forever.
I started painting on the 2 monochrome Fluoride paintings again. Starting with the blue one. I'll be working on these for few weeks or longer. I'd like to get them finished before the end of June... but the painting is really detailed and might take even longer... or maybe once I get back in my stride I'll knock them out fast. I haven't painted in oil for a few years now. It always takes me a few days to get back to that process of work. Oil was the main medium used in college, most of the works there were done in a matter of days. I need to get that skill back-a-running.
April 30, 2006
April 29, 2006
Crisis Threatens Those Who Believe It To
Headed out with friends tonight so see the Selmenaires & Black Lips at Lenny's. Drinks before... of course.
Got some different postcards in order for mailing next week. I'm really lax on them this year.. and already Barker's are starting to pile up again. Lots of 'Sliced Bacon' hanging around my home. I'm gonna have to ask him what that's all about. Maybe I'll send him some sliced bacon of my own.
Thinking back I'm kinda upset I didn't try to mail any postcards while I was in Mexico... before I died. I would have liked seeing some Mexican stamps on my cards. I guess there's always a next time... even though I said I'll never go to that shit-hole of a country again. I only meant it at the time... that dirty place took my life damnit!! I can call it a shit-hole. Isn't that what people always say when they are near death in a location they'd rather not be... 'Ohh god, don't let me die in this shit-hole'... or was it hell-hole. Ohh well, at least the beer was cold there.
Got some different postcards in order for mailing next week. I'm really lax on them this year.. and already Barker's are starting to pile up again. Lots of 'Sliced Bacon' hanging around my home. I'm gonna have to ask him what that's all about. Maybe I'll send him some sliced bacon of my own.
Thinking back I'm kinda upset I didn't try to mail any postcards while I was in Mexico... before I died. I would have liked seeing some Mexican stamps on my cards. I guess there's always a next time... even though I said I'll never go to that shit-hole of a country again. I only meant it at the time... that dirty place took my life damnit!! I can call it a shit-hole. Isn't that what people always say when they are near death in a location they'd rather not be... 'Ohh god, don't let me die in this shit-hole'... or was it hell-hole. Ohh well, at least the beer was cold there.
April 28, 2006
April 27, 2006
April 26, 2006
April 25, 2006
Dear Friends - Tom Schaefer Died In Reynosa, Mexico Today
Tom Schaefer 02.14.1977 - 04.25.2006
Tom died today around 1:20pm. He was 29.
I was a very good friend of Tom Schaefer. I was in McAllen, Texas with Tom since Sunday on photo assignment for his employer. Tom was one of my best friends and I wanted to let his other friends know what has happened to him in a way I think he would have appreciated. Tom really enjoyed writing on his blog and I, like many of his other friends enjoyed reading it. I had Tom's passcodes for this blog since he posted regularly at my home and I thought it appropriate to pass on this unfortunate news to his other friends who frequent this blog.
After finishing up our assignment here in McAllen, we decided to go across the border into Mexico to have a few beers and see the local 'flavor' as Tom put it. Tom said he had never been to Mexico before and was very excited about the idea. After we crossed the Rio Grande and walked pass the central square we ventured into a few tourists shops, one of which Tom purchased a set of four plaster-cast SpiderMan figures. He was really excited about them and was telling me about his love for the charactor since he was a child. He was planning on doing a series of work based on the comic book charactor, but he explained to me that he never had a good base to start the work. He believed finding these plaster figures was the key. He was in a really great mood. After leaving the shopping district we decided to get a beer. We walked a few blocks and when crossing a busy intersection, out of no where, Tom was hit by a fast moving bus. I tried to reach out for him at the last second, but it was too late. I ran up the street to where Tom was, but my friend was already gone.
This situation is still really hard for me to believe. My friend is gone. I'm not a writer and I don't think this is even a situation for good writing, I just wanted his friends to know this tragic news and I thought this would be a good way for everyone to know. I'll miss my friend.
Tom died today around 1:20pm. He was 29.
I was a very good friend of Tom Schaefer. I was in McAllen, Texas with Tom since Sunday on photo assignment for his employer. Tom was one of my best friends and I wanted to let his other friends know what has happened to him in a way I think he would have appreciated. Tom really enjoyed writing on his blog and I, like many of his other friends enjoyed reading it. I had Tom's passcodes for this blog since he posted regularly at my home and I thought it appropriate to pass on this unfortunate news to his other friends who frequent this blog.
After finishing up our assignment here in McAllen, we decided to go across the border into Mexico to have a few beers and see the local 'flavor' as Tom put it. Tom said he had never been to Mexico before and was very excited about the idea. After we crossed the Rio Grande and walked pass the central square we ventured into a few tourists shops, one of which Tom purchased a set of four plaster-cast SpiderMan figures. He was really excited about them and was telling me about his love for the charactor since he was a child. He was planning on doing a series of work based on the comic book charactor, but he explained to me that he never had a good base to start the work. He believed finding these plaster figures was the key. He was in a really great mood. After leaving the shopping district we decided to get a beer. We walked a few blocks and when crossing a busy intersection, out of no where, Tom was hit by a fast moving bus. I tried to reach out for him at the last second, but it was too late. I ran up the street to where Tom was, but my friend was already gone.
This situation is still really hard for me to believe. My friend is gone. I'm not a writer and I don't think this is even a situation for good writing, I just wanted his friends to know this tragic news and I thought this would be a good way for everyone to know. I'll miss my friend.
April 16, 2006
Be Gentle, Don't Go Crazy... Pay Attention To What You Are Doing Over There
Foos Ball Terrorists
A real fan showed up at the show... check out those peeps
Frogs!!! ... Green is so UN'Easter
Bunnie Puddle
April 15, 2006
Quit Leering At Me... I Don't Want The Hear About Your Kick-Off Event
So the show is this evening and I'm hurridly making my buttons to take to the show. Last evening was pretty damn crazy... well actually, the whole day was pretty crazy to be honest. Started with a gallery drop off - a drinking trip to ElMyr - strange people - joy riding - death by outdoor Tapas... ahh what am I talking about.
The elusive Mr. Bean Summer
Guinness Peeps @ ElMyr
Ouch of an evening
April 14, 2006
My Heart And Yours... An Open Sore
Just dropped off all the work at dooGallery today. Met with the owner/curator Doog (doo-gah) and he seems like a really cool guy. He sorta freaked when he saw the works and was really excited that they fit within the mode of this weekend, as it is fuckin' Easter. I'm gonna totally sell out on these works... the question is how long will they last.
April 13, 2006
Days Of Truth Often Depend On Ones Nature And Status Quo
It was another late night. This evening I wrapped up production on the main 20 works for the show this weekend, thanks in large part to Kanka acting as my assistant for the entire evening. He's a hell-of-a dip'r. All 20 works are now spending the last day before their hanging, drying out completely. The works as of this early A.M. are dry to the touch, but still fluffy underneath. A full day and the marshmallow will begin to harden more.
In addition to the 20 works that i had originally planned, I have, in the dead of last night, produced 2 additional alternate works that are encased in vitrines. Tonight I will clean them up and get them ready for hanging friday as well. Although, I may consider displaying them on a pedestal v. wall mounting them. I'll have to see what the gallery will provide in terms of space, etc. Each of these pieces, which is a pair of 2 vitrines each — totaling 4, will be priced somewhere between $100 & $200 for the pair... that is something I will have to decide upon this evening. It will also need to be determined by how much more finishing details I'll add to the 2 works.
I was considering doing one additional piece (a collage/painting), but considering my time constraints, I will not even attempt to exceute this. The 2 alternate works are my primary focus and I'll really try to push 'up' their specialness factor (in terms of thier cool/special as opposed to retarded/special... of course).
So in total, I'll have 22 works at the show. 20 pieces @ $50 each and the other 2 as mentioned before.
Using heat gun to help set polyacrylic.
Drinking 40oz. to help set the mood.
Maneuvering the final set of bunnies into place.
The building of the vitrines was a very messy process.
In addition to the 20 works that i had originally planned, I have, in the dead of last night, produced 2 additional alternate works that are encased in vitrines. Tonight I will clean them up and get them ready for hanging friday as well. Although, I may consider displaying them on a pedestal v. wall mounting them. I'll have to see what the gallery will provide in terms of space, etc. Each of these pieces, which is a pair of 2 vitrines each — totaling 4, will be priced somewhere between $100 & $200 for the pair... that is something I will have to decide upon this evening. It will also need to be determined by how much more finishing details I'll add to the 2 works.
I was considering doing one additional piece (a collage/painting), but considering my time constraints, I will not even attempt to exceute this. The 2 alternate works are my primary focus and I'll really try to push 'up' their specialness factor (in terms of thier cool/special as opposed to retarded/special... of course).
So in total, I'll have 22 works at the show. 20 pieces @ $50 each and the other 2 as mentioned before.
Using heat gun to help set polyacrylic.
Drinking 40oz. to help set the mood.
Maneuvering the final set of bunnies into place.
The building of the vitrines was a very messy process.
April 12, 2006
Just A Little Spot Can Do It
Got a really killer review of my work today from Standard Deluxe's Matt Lane — Thanks Matt. Big props to him.
Be sure to check out his site and order some of their amazing posters and t-shirts. And if you didn't know... Standard Deluxe is the shiz'nit!!
Standard Deluxe
Matt Lane @ MySpace
Thomas Arthur Schaefer
Category: Art and Photography
So I found Damien Hirst's book ON THE WAY TO WORK at Hastings for like $15. Honestly. A gem like that could lay in the street for 9 months in this town and no one would pick it up. Any-damn-way, all the art readin has got me juices flowin (artistically speaking) enough so that I braved the 5 minute download of this site:
This is Tom's site. Tom's an artist living in Atlanta.
I met him a year ago in Chicago. I've seen some of his work, but nothing like the shit on the site. Damn. The kids good. The kids real fuckin good.
If I wasn't such a fat-lazy-asshole I could of had a body of work very similar to this, I should have a body of work right? (I flatter myself). I think Tom and I are on the same wavelength bout a lot of things. Honestly, I've been so impressed and obsessed with other peoples collages, lately (past 3 years) that I find it next to impossible to create my own.
But Tom's the product of a first class education, a keen eye, a keen intellect and good goddamn taste. He's active, too. Shoutouts to Tom. Go navigate his site for some killer stuff, kid.
He's promised to attend the old 280 boogie, so if you see him in Waverly on the 22nd, tell him he's a genius.
Be sure to check out his site and order some of their amazing posters and t-shirts. And if you didn't know... Standard Deluxe is the shiz'nit!!
Standard Deluxe
Matt Lane @ MySpace
Thomas Arthur Schaefer
Category: Art and Photography
So I found Damien Hirst's book ON THE WAY TO WORK at Hastings for like $15. Honestly. A gem like that could lay in the street for 9 months in this town and no one would pick it up. Any-damn-way, all the art readin has got me juices flowin (artistically speaking) enough so that I braved the 5 minute download of this site:
This is Tom's site. Tom's an artist living in Atlanta.
I met him a year ago in Chicago. I've seen some of his work, but nothing like the shit on the site. Damn. The kids good. The kids real fuckin good.
If I wasn't such a fat-lazy-asshole I could of had a body of work very similar to this, I should have a body of work right? (I flatter myself). I think Tom and I are on the same wavelength bout a lot of things. Honestly, I've been so impressed and obsessed with other peoples collages, lately (past 3 years) that I find it next to impossible to create my own.
But Tom's the product of a first class education, a keen eye, a keen intellect and good goddamn taste. He's active, too. Shoutouts to Tom. Go navigate his site for some killer stuff, kid.
He's promised to attend the old 280 boogie, so if you see him in Waverly on the 22nd, tell him he's a genius.
April 11, 2006
Not Until The Commanders In The Field Say We Are Ready
Bunnies are pop'n up all over town. Hmmm... where's the wheat-paste?
So here's the second part of my paintings for this saturday... freshly dipped and drying out. I'll attach these bright beauties to the main box structures tommorow evening.
These are the box structures. There are 20 of them. Each is 10" x10" with hand-painted pin-striped edges. The faces where I'll attach the bunnies are white. I have a few parts to touch up on all 20 of these... just some fine tuning of the stripes.
I finally got my button maker yesterday... so I'm also gonna have to crank out a big set of new 'Bunny Peeps' buttons for the show. There will be 6 different buttons in all.
April 10, 2006
April 09, 2006
April 08, 2006
April 07, 2006
April 06, 2006
I'm A Big Kid Now
I am worth $3,093,560 on
Hear that ladies... damn and I'm not even 30 yet. Ohh wait... my price may go down then. Hmmm... OK then.
Hear that ladies... I'm in my prime. Come on!
You work well with others. That is, you're good at getting them to do work for you. It's true that you get by on your charm. But so what? You make people happy! You're dynamic, clever, and funny. And people like to have you around. But you're so restless, they better not expect you to stay around for long.
Your strength: Your superstar charisma
Your weakness: Commitment means nothing to you
Your power color: Fuchsia
Your power symbol: Diamond
Your power month: May
Damn... I better get a diamond encrusted fuchia jacket to wear around... May is right around the corner.
Hear that ladies... damn and I'm not even 30 yet. Ohh wait... my price may go down then. Hmmm... OK then.
Hear that ladies... I'm in my prime. Come on!
You work well with others. That is, you're good at getting them to do work for you. It's true that you get by on your charm. But so what? You make people happy! You're dynamic, clever, and funny. And people like to have you around. But you're so restless, they better not expect you to stay around for long.
Your strength: Your superstar charisma
Your weakness: Commitment means nothing to you
Your power color: Fuchsia
Your power symbol: Diamond
Your power month: May
Damn... I better get a diamond encrusted fuchia jacket to wear around... May is right around the corner.
April 05, 2006
I'm Right... You're Wrong... That's The Way You're Making Me Feel
So a friend of mine said to me the other day, "I've seen you do it and I'm wondering, how you always lose your weight so fast?" I told them... it's pretty simple. There are a few steps to it.
1. You don't buy anything at the grocery store.
2. You don't have anything worth eating in the house.
3. When hungry... don't eat.
4. Drink water
5. When hungry... don't eat.
6. Drink water
7. When hungry... don't eat.
8. Drink water
9. Still need a meal? Drink a martini and enjoy that single olive.
10. Repeat until weight is gone.
Ohh yeah did I mention waking up early and doing low impact aerobic exercise until you're hurting like hell. Yeah that helps too... but even if you don't do that.. you'll lose the weight.
1. You don't buy anything at the grocery store.
2. You don't have anything worth eating in the house.
3. When hungry... don't eat.
4. Drink water
5. When hungry... don't eat.
6. Drink water
7. When hungry... don't eat.
8. Drink water
9. Still need a meal? Drink a martini and enjoy that single olive.
10. Repeat until weight is gone.
Ohh yeah did I mention waking up early and doing low impact aerobic exercise until you're hurting like hell. Yeah that helps too... but even if you don't do that.. you'll lose the weight.
April 04, 2006
That's Cause You Gotta Dial 9 To Get Out
Ahh shit... I just spent some money. Good ol' money... but it's worth it. I finally broke down and hunker'd down the cash to purchase my own 1" button maker and cutter. I tried to bum my friends again, but she sold it... so I said hee'hey... I don't need this money... ha ha ha. Ohh well it's totally worth it. I need to make more buttons for correspondences and more importantly — I need schwag for the show in 2 weeks. Hopefully the damn company that gives me money will ship it in time.

April 4, 2006
BARKER - TARD (postcard)
BEDARD - TARD (postcard)
BONANNO - TARD (postcard)
BROWN - TARD (postcard)
BURNS - TARD (postcard)
BUTTREY - TARD (postcard)
CALLAHAN - TARD (postcard)
CHAVARRIA - TARD (postcard)
CONSUEGRA - TARD (postcard)
CORDERO - TARD (postcard)
GEORGE - TARD (postcard)
GIBB - TARD (postcard)
HARL - TARD (postcard)
JOHNSON - TARD (postcard)
KANKA - TARD (postcard)
KUTZBACH - TARD (postcard)
LANE - TARD (postcard)
LINTON - TARD (postcard)
LUDWIG - TARD (postcard)
MEDLEY - TARD (postcard)
MEISTER - TARD (postcard)
NEWMAN - TARD (postcard)
NEWTON & GEIER - TARD (postcard)
NOBLE - TARD (postcard)
PEARSON - TARD (postcard)
REILLY - TARD (postcard)
SEARCY - TARD (postcard)
SEILER - TARD (postcard)
STANFORD - TARD (postcard)
STATTS - TARD (postcard)
STOUT - TARD (postcard)
SYLVESTER - TARD (postcard)
TAYLOR - TARD (postcard)
VICTORE - TARD (postcard)
VINSON - TARD (postcard)
VINSON - TARD (postcard)
WEISS - TARD (postcard)
YORK - TARD (postcard)

April 4, 2006
BARKER - TARD (postcard)
BEDARD - TARD (postcard)
BONANNO - TARD (postcard)
BROWN - TARD (postcard)
BURNS - TARD (postcard)
BUTTREY - TARD (postcard)
CALLAHAN - TARD (postcard)
CHAVARRIA - TARD (postcard)
CONSUEGRA - TARD (postcard)
CORDERO - TARD (postcard)
GEORGE - TARD (postcard)
GIBB - TARD (postcard)
HARL - TARD (postcard)
JOHNSON - TARD (postcard)
KANKA - TARD (postcard)
KUTZBACH - TARD (postcard)
LANE - TARD (postcard)
LINTON - TARD (postcard)
LUDWIG - TARD (postcard)
MEDLEY - TARD (postcard)
MEISTER - TARD (postcard)
NEWMAN - TARD (postcard)
NEWTON & GEIER - TARD (postcard)
NOBLE - TARD (postcard)
PEARSON - TARD (postcard)
REILLY - TARD (postcard)
SEARCY - TARD (postcard)
SEILER - TARD (postcard)
STANFORD - TARD (postcard)
STATTS - TARD (postcard)
STOUT - TARD (postcard)
SYLVESTER - TARD (postcard)
TAYLOR - TARD (postcard)
VICTORE - TARD (postcard)
VINSON - TARD (postcard)
VINSON - TARD (postcard)
WEISS - TARD (postcard)
YORK - TARD (postcard)
April 03, 2006
We Play With The Lights On
April 3, 2006
BARKER - My Peeps... (postcard)
BEDARD - My Peeps... (postcard)
BONANNO - My Peeps... (postcard)
BROWN - My Peeps... (postcard)
BURNS - My Peeps... (postcard)
BUTTREY - My Peeps... (postcard)
CALLAHAN - My Peeps... (postcard)
CHAVARRIA - My Peeps... (postcard)
CORDERO - My Peeps... (postcard)
DECILLIS - My Peeps... (postcard)
GEORGE - My Peeps... (postcard)
GIBB - My Peeps... (postcard)
HARL - My Peeps... (postcard)
JOHNSON - My Peeps... (postcard)
KANKA - My Peeps... (postcard)
KIDWELL - My Peeps... (postcard)
KUTZBACH - My Peeps... (postcard)
KUTZBACH - My Peeps... (postcard)
KUTZBACH - My Peeps... (postcard)
KUTZBACH - My Peeps... (postcard)
LANE - My Peeps... (postcard)
LINTON - My Peeps... (postcard)
LUDWIG - My Peeps... (postcard)
MEDLEY - My Peeps... (postcard)
MEISTER - My Peeps... (postcard)
NEWMAN - My Peeps... (postcard)
NEWTON & GEIER - My Peeps... (postcard)
NOBLE - My Peeps... (postcard)
PEARSON - My Peeps... (postcard)
REILLY - My Peeps... (postcard)
ROETZER - My Peeps... (postcard)
SCHAEFER - My Peeps... (postcard)
SCHAEFER - My Peeps... (postcard)
SCHAEFER - My Peeps... (postcard)
SCHAEFER - My Peeps... (postcard)
SEARCY - My Peeps... (postcard)
SEILER - My Peeps... (postcard)
STANFORD - My Peeps... (postcard)
STATTS - My Peeps... (postcard)
STOUT - My Peeps... (postcard)
SYLVESTER - My Peeps... (postcard)
TAYLOR - My Peeps... (postcard)
VICTORE - My Peeps... (postcard)
VINSON - My Peeps... (postcard)
VINSON - My Peeps... (postcard)
WEISS - Fifty Fivers (postcard/pin)
YORK - Fifty Fivers (postcard/pin)
April 3, 2006
BARKER - My Peeps... (postcard)
BEDARD - My Peeps... (postcard)
BONANNO - My Peeps... (postcard)
BROWN - My Peeps... (postcard)
BURNS - My Peeps... (postcard)
BUTTREY - My Peeps... (postcard)
CALLAHAN - My Peeps... (postcard)
CHAVARRIA - My Peeps... (postcard)
CORDERO - My Peeps... (postcard)
DECILLIS - My Peeps... (postcard)
GEORGE - My Peeps... (postcard)
GIBB - My Peeps... (postcard)
HARL - My Peeps... (postcard)
JOHNSON - My Peeps... (postcard)
KANKA - My Peeps... (postcard)
KIDWELL - My Peeps... (postcard)
KUTZBACH - My Peeps... (postcard)
KUTZBACH - My Peeps... (postcard)
KUTZBACH - My Peeps... (postcard)
KUTZBACH - My Peeps... (postcard)
LANE - My Peeps... (postcard)
LINTON - My Peeps... (postcard)
LUDWIG - My Peeps... (postcard)
MEDLEY - My Peeps... (postcard)
MEISTER - My Peeps... (postcard)
NEWMAN - My Peeps... (postcard)
NEWTON & GEIER - My Peeps... (postcard)
NOBLE - My Peeps... (postcard)
PEARSON - My Peeps... (postcard)
REILLY - My Peeps... (postcard)
ROETZER - My Peeps... (postcard)
SCHAEFER - My Peeps... (postcard)
SCHAEFER - My Peeps... (postcard)
SCHAEFER - My Peeps... (postcard)
SCHAEFER - My Peeps... (postcard)
SEARCY - My Peeps... (postcard)
SEILER - My Peeps... (postcard)
STANFORD - My Peeps... (postcard)
STATTS - My Peeps... (postcard)
STOUT - My Peeps... (postcard)
SYLVESTER - My Peeps... (postcard)
TAYLOR - My Peeps... (postcard)
VICTORE - My Peeps... (postcard)
VINSON - My Peeps... (postcard)
VINSON - My Peeps... (postcard)
WEISS - Fifty Fivers (postcard/pin)
YORK - Fifty Fivers (postcard/pin)
April 02, 2006
It's Never To Late To Find Your Salmon Card
So today I was woke by Kanka at my door... ding-dong... ding-dong. So I woke my sorry ass up... forgot about the time change... damn you Franklin... but it's alright I had painting frames to build. I was up late last night cutting and glueing balsa wood like crazy.
So today, after a mid-afternoon breakfast at my way-to-local Waffle House, I got to work with Kanka on photos for myself and him. He's workin' on a killer sticker of him as Che Guevara titled Czechuevara... it's gonna be killer red/black on white vinyl... good stuff. He shot a portait of me that I'm using on my personal invite/postcards to the show on the 15th. They look crazy. Picture a mouth stuffed full of marshmallow Peeps bunnies and your getting the idea. Those are getting mailed tomorrow.
So later today I finished building and sanding all 10" x 10" x 7/8" balsa box frames. I've added wood filler and will sand again tommorow. Need to buy paint for pinstriping tomorrow.
There are a total of 20 identical works that I need to finish in the next 13 days. The plan of attack is to complete each part of the work as a separte piece and then put the 2 parts together in the end. So the frames need to be flat coated white and have their edges pinstriped. At the same time I need to treat all 20 (16 set) bunnies in the polyacrylic and get them 'preserved'. 16@20=320 — 80/4
Then once both of those steps are complete I can coat the frames with polyacrylic and add a dab to the bottom of the bunnies and attach the 2.... should be simple in theory.... but i know the pin striping is going to be my downfall on these.
So today, after a mid-afternoon breakfast at my way-to-local Waffle House, I got to work with Kanka on photos for myself and him. He's workin' on a killer sticker of him as Che Guevara titled Czechuevara... it's gonna be killer red/black on white vinyl... good stuff. He shot a portait of me that I'm using on my personal invite/postcards to the show on the 15th. They look crazy. Picture a mouth stuffed full of marshmallow Peeps bunnies and your getting the idea. Those are getting mailed tomorrow.
So later today I finished building and sanding all 10" x 10" x 7/8" balsa box frames. I've added wood filler and will sand again tommorow. Need to buy paint for pinstriping tomorrow.
There are a total of 20 identical works that I need to finish in the next 13 days. The plan of attack is to complete each part of the work as a separte piece and then put the 2 parts together in the end. So the frames need to be flat coated white and have their edges pinstriped. At the same time I need to treat all 20 (16 set) bunnies in the polyacrylic and get them 'preserved'. 16@20=320 — 80/4
Then once both of those steps are complete I can coat the frames with polyacrylic and add a dab to the bottom of the bunnies and attach the 2.... should be simple in theory.... but i know the pin striping is going to be my downfall on these.
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